Where I can get particle editor tool?

I saw old video on Youtube about particle editor tool for corona sdk (now solar2D).
Can I still get it somewere?

And I have a question, can particles collide?


I guess that’s @roaminggamer’s own tool. Found the link through Google search - https://roaminggamer.github.io/RGDocs/pages/RGPE2/

You can also use this - http://particle2dx.com/

thank you :slight_smile:

Thank link takes you to the docs and from there you can get a direct download of the tool:

I just downloaded it and ran the tool in Solar2D 2020.3600 It works fine and exports fine.

If you don’t want to use my editor, you can use this one too: http://onebyonedesign.com/flash/particleeditor/

Then use my loader:

Thanks, I downloaded it, I used it and I have some questions:

  1. Is there random settings feature like in video?
  2. How I import my created particles into project?
    I need to use your loader?

And thanks for amazing tool. :slight_smile:

  1. Nope. I changed to tool interface since the video.

  2. The docs are here: https://roaminggamer.github.io/RGDocs/pages/RGPE2/#roaming-gamer-particle-editor-2
    Following these docs directions, you can export a test project and see how it loads the particle definition and uses it: https://roaminggamer.github.io/RGDocs/pages/RGPE2/#the-interface-part-3-generating

When you generate a project, it will be put in a folder on your desktop. Look for the folder RGPE_out. Then look in that folder for a subfolder with the project name you used during the export.

https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/display/newEmitter.html << is linked in my docs, but is broken for some reason, so here is the link.

I imported particles into my project like it was shown in newEmitter docs and it works!
Thanks :smiley:

And I undestood what I need SSK2 Pro to use your particle editor?
And link to get SSK2 Pro is broken or you don’t sell it anymore?

Particle Editor
You do not need to download SSK2 to use it with the tool.
(Note: I often just say ssk, but always mean ssk2.)

The link I gave above, is a download of the tool. The download already includes ssk and you should not replace it with different version.
Here it is again: https://github.com/roaminggamer/RG_FreeStuff/raw/master/SSK2/tools/rgpe2.zip

On the other hand SSK2 is totally free:
Docs: https://roaminggamer.github.io/RGDocs/pages/SSK2/
Git: https://github.com/roaminggamer/SSK2

Note: The docs say latest release xyz… you can ignore that. I haven’t updated the docs in a while, but I still update and fix issues with SSK. Last commit was actually May 26 2019,