I want to build Yet Another MQTT Listener in Corona. MQTT has been around for a while, so there should be at least one good repository somewhere.
The Github repo at https://github.com/geekscape/mqtt_lua is eight years old. The last commit was 13 July 2012. The “Forks” page lists 54 forks, varying in age from … well, I don’t want to go looking at all 54 forks.
I did find another fork at https://git.eclipse.org/c/paho/org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.lua.git/. The last commit there was 30 March 2016, so that one seems newer and fresher.
But there’s no fanfare or publicity surrounding org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.lua.git. Most of the articles that turn up in a web search, list the geekscape repo as the authoritative source for MQTT client Lua code.
So, what *is* the best mqtt_lua source?