Why are function arguments sometimes orange and sometimes not?

I can’t for the life of me figure this out. When I type for example 

function foo(bar)

in some files, the argument “bar” turns orange and italic, while in some files it remains plain white. The only pattern I can see is that it stays white in main.lua files that are attached to an actual project.

I keep second-guessing myself. Does this mean something I’m not aware of?

The only thing that springs to mind is that some of your files are not set to the “Corona SDK Lua” file type.  You can see the file type Sublime Text has remembered for a file by looking on the status bar in the bottom right:

You can set the file type in Sublime Text using View > Syntax > Corona SDK Lua

That was it. Some were Corona SDK Lua while some were just Lua. I should’ve known. Thanks!

The only thing that springs to mind is that some of your files are not set to the “Corona SDK Lua” file type.  You can see the file type Sublime Text has remembered for a file by looking on the status bar in the bottom right:

You can set the file type in Sublime Text using View > Syntax > Corona SDK Lua

That was it. Some were Corona SDK Lua while some were just Lua. I should’ve known. Thanks!