In my app i use a native.newWebView to show a remote website.
Everything is fine in the simulator and on a device (iPhone 4s iOS 7.0.2, tested with ad-hoc distribution build), but *only* if the device is connected via Wi-Fi.
If the device is on cellular network the WebView opens and an alert appears stating that:
Cellular data is turned off for "AppName"
You can turn on cellular data for this app in Settings.
Settings OK
it also gives a direct link to the settings page of iOS 7 for cellular data.
But my app is not listed in that settings page…
And network.setStatusListener says that both event.isReachable and event.isReachableViaCellular are true…
Is there something I am missing or maybe there is some incompatibility between Corona Public release 2013.1202 (2013.8.28), iOS 7.0.2, Xcode 5 and cellular networking?
I also get this message in XCode console (with the iPhone connected via usb) I don’t know if it is relevant…
“tcp_connection_handle_connect_conditions_bad 7 failed: Connection not permitted over pdp_ip0”
I am asking you, the forum, for any help, hints, solutions…
Is there anyone else’s app facing an issue similar to this?
I am thinking of some build-settings parameters, or some way to add the app to the cellular settings page of iOS but I can only move in complete darkness at the moment…
And I could not find anything related to issues similar to this in the forum, so I started this thread.
Thank you, forum