As i understand it the Corona convention lets me pick how i want to handle multiple resolution naming conventions. It appears to me that the new widgets have graphics that are now embedded in the Core of Corona but they are not respecting the choices i made in config.lua as to how i want different resolutions named.
If you use:
imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 2, }
you get the first image with the 2.0 widget demo. I’ve only included a small portion of the screen due to the wacky small upload restrictions on this interface.
In my config.lua i take a different naming convention that meets my needs better:
imageSuffix = { ["-x20"] = 2, }
But this apparently comes at a new cost which is that i only get the Low Res widget images. See second image. I would bet that the Widget 2.0 code is assuming that we are all using the @2x as our naming convention but that would be a mistake given that the spec allows us to choose a convention of our liking.
Please fix this oversight.
I might also mention that there is no example in the new Widget code of using widget.setTheme() to create our own theme yet the docs say go look in the example code for how to do this.