I’ve been porting to widget 2.0, and there are a number of significant issues that I’m working around in my code (rather than forking the open-sourced “real” version, since I want to stick with Corona’s official code).
For example:
deleting a row runs a transition. Fancy, but if the user taps something else in the UI while that transition is still running, it can blow up the app; i’ve worked around it by deleting all rows and reinserting all but the deleted one
velocity doesn’t always get set to zero when you scroll the list, so a bunch of stuff doesn’t work if the next touch is only supposed to work on a non-moving list; worked around it by forcing the velocity to 0 on certain user touches
re-rendering of rows is no longer exposed; worked around by modifying my row rendering code and using this function added to the tableView.
function tableView:reRenderRow( row ) local event = { row = row._view, target = self, } self._onRowRender( event ) end
the hard-coded 100ms and 110ms behaviors and “timeHeld” functionality in general results in a sluggishness that can’t be worked around