I’m seeing issues with the pickerWheel not snapping to the closest value and not being able to scroll it to the last row of the column. Seems to happen with all pickerWheels using daily build 2014.2169 and above. Haven’t tried a build below that, if anyone has please confirm but 2169 is a bit far back as well.
Edit: tested all builds all the way back to .2155, still seeing the bug.
Edit2: .2141 as well, jumped all the way back to .2115. Still nothing. And when you scroll once and it doesn’t snap to the closest value, then you try scroll again and it throws a generic “Attempt to index field _values” error. I think it’s because I’m using the :getValues function on scroll stop and the second time you scroll it doesn’t know what value the scroll started from. Will probably also be squashed if the original bug is fixed.
Edit3: Seems to be a 1.0 compatibility issue as the widgetDemo works. Can you guys at CL please fix this asap as it would be great to be able to use the pickerWheel with the 1.0 compatibility mode, or just for the love of something implement an API that has the old G1.0 group properties and behaviors for positioning and what nots so us with old apps that have been under development for years with Corona and are heavily depended on the old group behaviors finally can migrate everything to the new engine. The group.anchorChildren API doesn’t work like 1.0 for nested groups and what have you.