local widget = require("widget") local columnData = { { align = "left", width = 420, startIndex = 1, labels = {"item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4", "item 5", "item 6"} } } -- Image sheet options and declaration local poptions = { frames = { { x=0, y=0, width=420, height=300 }, { x=420, y=0, width=420, height=300 }, { x=840, y=0, width=8, height=300 } }, sheetContentWidth = 848, sheetContentHeight = 300 } local pickerWheelSheet = graphics.newImageSheet( "assets/pickerwheel.png", poptions ) -- Create the widget pickerWheel = widget.newPickerWheel { top = 220, left=10, columns = columnData, fontColor = {.9, .8, .17}, sheet = pickerWheelSheet, overlayFrame = 1, overlayFrameWidth = 420, overlayFrameHeight = 320, backgroundFrame = 2, backgroundFrameWidth = 420, backgroundFrameHeight = 320, seperatorFrame = 3, seperatorFrameWidth = 8, seperatorFrameHeight = 320, columnColor = { 0.8, 0, 0 ,0} }
And I attached the pickerwheel.png as well. Any ideas why this doesn’t work?