I have a tableview(widget 2.0) and when I try and scroll the rows drop to the bottom of the tableview and if I try and scroll down they go back up to the top.
Here is a video demonstrating what I am trying to explain: http://youtu.be/d7Z0zaqZHbo
Can anyone else reproduce this or is it just me? Here is the code for my tableview:
local listOptions = {
top = screen.top+topHeight+60,
left = curGroup.x,
height = screen.bottom-topHeight-60,
bottomPadding = 60,
hideBackground = true,
width = 274,
list = widget.newTableView( listOptions )
rowHeight is set to 60 if that matters. [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 336341[/import]