Widget 2.0 Tableview strange scroll behavior

I have a tableview(widget 2.0) and when I try and scroll the rows drop to the bottom of the tableview and if I try and scroll down they go back up to the top.

Here is a video demonstrating what I am trying to explain: http://youtu.be/d7Z0zaqZHbo

Can anyone else reproduce this or is it just me? Here is the code for my tableview:

 local listOptions = {  
 top = screen.top+topHeight+60,  
 left = curGroup.x,  
 height = screen.bottom-topHeight-60,  
 bottomPadding = 60,  
 hideBackground = true,  
 width = 274,  
list = widget.newTableView( listOptions )  

rowHeight is set to 60 if that matters. [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 336341[/import]

Hey Chevol.

I believe that is related to a similar scrollView bug which is fixed and will be available in the next daily build.

Can you try it in the next daily build and if it still happens file a bug? This is the first time I have seen this issue.

Thanks! [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144346[/import]

Yup, I can do that. I’ll let you know after the next daily build. [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144353[/import]

Same thing here with 1038.
Looks like it happens when the tableview contents (the rows) are smaller than the widget height. [import]uid: 9158 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144640[/import]

I am also seeing performance issues with the new tableview when multiple are on the same screen. My app was buttery smooth before the 2.0 widgets and now its hanky in places where multiple tableviews are used. Can anyone else confirm this? [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144726[/import]

Hey Chevol.

I believe that is related to a similar scrollView bug which is fixed and will be available in the next daily build.

Can you try it in the next daily build and if it still happens file a bug? This is the first time I have seen this issue.

Thanks! [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144346[/import]

Yup, I can do that. I’ll let you know after the next daily build. [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144353[/import]

Same thing here with 1038.
Looks like it happens when the tableview contents (the rows) are smaller than the widget height. [import]uid: 9158 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144640[/import]

I am also seeing performance issues with the new tableview when multiple are on the same screen. My app was buttery smooth before the 2.0 widgets and now its hanky in places where multiple tableviews are used. Can anyone else confirm this? [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144726[/import]

Hey Chevol.

I believe that is related to a similar scrollView bug which is fixed and will be available in the next daily build.

Can you try it in the next daily build and if it still happens file a bug? This is the first time I have seen this issue.

Thanks! [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144346[/import]

Yup, I can do that. I’ll let you know after the next daily build. [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144353[/import]

Same thing here with 1038.
Looks like it happens when the tableview contents (the rows) are smaller than the widget height. [import]uid: 9158 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144640[/import]

I am also seeing performance issues with the new tableview when multiple are on the same screen. My app was buttery smooth before the 2.0 widgets and now its hanky in places where multiple tableviews are used. Can anyone else confirm this? [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144726[/import]

Hey Chevol.

I believe that is related to a similar scrollView bug which is fixed and will be available in the next daily build.

Can you try it in the next daily build and if it still happens file a bug? This is the first time I have seen this issue.

Thanks! [import]uid: 84637 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144346[/import]

Yup, I can do that. I’ll let you know after the next daily build. [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144353[/import]

Same thing here with 1038.
Looks like it happens when the tableview contents (the rows) are smaller than the widget height. [import]uid: 9158 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144640[/import]

I am also seeing performance issues with the new tableview when multiple are on the same screen. My app was buttery smooth before the 2.0 widgets and now its hanky in places where multiple tableviews are used. Can anyone else confirm this? [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 36341 reply_id: 144726[/import]