I know a complete theme/customization tutorial is in the works, but has anyone had any luck on their own? Specifically the picker wheel bkg? Just wanting to replace that ugly think blackish blue border with something that fits the UI of my app.
I know a complete theme/customization tutorial is in the works, but has anyone had any luck on their own? Specifically the picker wheel bkg? Just wanting to replace that ugly think blackish blue border with something that fits the UI of my app.
You can customise it currently, using a custom image sheet:
Please see this doc, under the visual customisation section:
Thanks for the reply Danny! Lol I have studied that doc to no end over the last couple weeks. I have tried creating my own theme based off that and the setTheme docs (http://docs.coronalabs.com/daily/api/library/widget/setTheme.html). I understand how to create the theme file but knowing the image dimensions are crucial. When you guys do the theme tutorial could you please post the default images so we know what to base our customized images off of? That’s where I’m struggling at, I can create the theme file and imagesheet but the actual images I have no clue what size they should be. As a programmer the design/UI/graphics side of things still confuses me and is hard to wrap my head around.
Btw, the visual customization section doesn’t require you to make a widget theme, just a imagesheet object via graphics.newImageSheet for the object in question ( pickerWheel in this case )
I can help you out with the sizes, the ones we use in the default theme are:
overlayframe: 640 x 444
background frame: 2x44
seperatorFrame: 16x2
Hope that helps
PS: I will ensure that the guide includes all the sizes we use for our default themes so it gives a clear guide as to what sizes we recommend you use
Yeah that helped out a ton!!! My pickerwheel is almost there, just having a problem with the separator not showing.
I’ve attached the separator graphic we use, it should steer you in the right direction
Hehe same one I tried. I grabbed it from here https://github.com/ansca/GameCenter/tree/master/widget_ios
For some reason it seems like its showing up as plain white. Either that or its getting drawn below the bkgFrame. Idk, I might have to leave it as is with the missing separator and wait for the official tutorial.
I know a complete theme/customization tutorial is in the works, but has anyone had any luck on their own? Specifically the picker wheel bkg? Just wanting to replace that ugly think blackish blue border with something that fits the UI of my app.
You can customise it currently, using a custom image sheet:
Please see this doc, under the visual customisation section:
Thanks for the reply Danny! Lol I have studied that doc to no end over the last couple weeks. I have tried creating my own theme based off that and the setTheme docs (http://docs.coronalabs.com/daily/api/library/widget/setTheme.html). I understand how to create the theme file but knowing the image dimensions are crucial. When you guys do the theme tutorial could you please post the default images so we know what to base our customized images off of? That’s where I’m struggling at, I can create the theme file and imagesheet but the actual images I have no clue what size they should be. As a programmer the design/UI/graphics side of things still confuses me and is hard to wrap my head around.
Btw, the visual customization section doesn’t require you to make a widget theme, just a imagesheet object via graphics.newImageSheet for the object in question ( pickerWheel in this case )
I can help you out with the sizes, the ones we use in the default theme are:
overlayframe: 640 x 444
background frame: 2x44
seperatorFrame: 16x2
Hope that helps
PS: I will ensure that the guide includes all the sizes we use for our default themes so it gives a clear guide as to what sizes we recommend you use
Yeah that helped out a ton!!! My pickerwheel is almost there, just having a problem with the separator not showing.
I’ve attached the separator graphic we use, it should steer you in the right direction
Hehe same one I tried. I grabbed it from here https://github.com/ansca/GameCenter/tree/master/widget_ios
For some reason it seems like its showing up as plain white. Either that or its getting drawn below the bkgFrame. Idk, I might have to leave it as is with the missing separator and wait for the official tutorial.