I’m using a Widget Candy Window to act as a full screen scrollview that holds all the other widgets inside of it.
The app uses letterbox content scaling in config.lua. Content screen size is 320x480.
Everything works ok until I change the device in the simulator to something that has a screenOriginY different than 0 (like with the iPhone 5 or Galaxy S3).
When the device has a screen ratio that adds pixels to the height of the screen, the Widget Candy window can be dragged to exposes whatever is underneath it (blank black screen in this case). I’m trying to get it to act as a scroll view where the user can’t drag it low or high enough to expose whats underneath it.
This is my code to set up the window:
\_G.GUI.NewWindow( { x = "center", y = "top", scale = \_G.GUIScale, parentGroup = group, width = display.contentWidth - display.screenOriginX\*2, height = "auto", minHeight = display.contentHeight - display.screenOriginY\*2, theme = myThemeName, name = "WIN\_SETTINGS", caption = "Settings", textAlign = "Left", icon = 11, margin = 20, shadow = true, closeButton = true, dragX = false, dragY = true, slideOut = .7, dragArea = "auto", onClose = function(EventData) storyboard.gotoScene( "mainScene" ); end, } )
I tried to play with minHeight, height, y and scale with no success.
Any ideas how to fix this?