[Widget Candy] _G.GUI.Confirm problem with _G.GUIScale = 2

Does anyone perhaps have a suggestion how I can fix this?

When I use a _G.GUIScale = 2, e.g. to make dialogs readable on a Galaxy Note, it seems like the height of the dialog is no longer properly calculated.
Example code:

\_G.GUI.Confirm( { modal = true, theme = \_G.GUI.defaultTheme, width = "80%", scale = \_G.GUIScale, icon = 14, title = title, caption = message, buttons = { { icon = 15, caption = ok, }, }, } )

Example image:

http://i.imgur.com/UEGBU.png [import]uid: 137101 topic_id: 27322 reply_id: 327322[/import]

I have been able to figure out a workaround that fixes this problem.

By replacing 3 by 1 in the line “Props.minH = V.Themes[Props.theme].widgetFrameSize * 3” in function “V.NewWindow = function (Props)” in widget_candy.lua the problem disappears.

It can also be fixed by disabling “if Props.minHeight < V.Defaults.minHeight * Props.scale then Props.minHeight = V.Defaults.minHeight * Props.scale end” in “V._CheckProps = function ( Widget)”.

Neither are a clean solution, but both fix the problem. [import]uid: 137101 topic_id: 27322 reply_id: 111047[/import]