Widget Candy - Is there a way to animate transitions for moving Window widgets on/off screen?

Widget Candy is awesome, but I am looking for a way to transition window widgets on and off screen.  Right now, I can fade them in and out, but I am looking for a way to show a transition animation to slide the window from off screen to on screen when i push my game’s pause button.  Any suggestions on how to approach this?  A simple example would be super awesome.  Thank you in advance for your help.

great support from the x-pressive team.  here’s what they said:

when you create a window, a reference to the window is returned (which is a common display object):


MyWindow = GUI.CreateWindow(…)


You can apply any transition to it:


transition.to ( MyWindow, { } )

great support from the x-pressive team.  here’s what they said:

when you create a window, a reference to the window is returned (which is a common display object):


MyWindow = GUI.CreateWindow(…)


You can apply any transition to it:


transition.to ( MyWindow, { } )