My app requires that (occasionally) I have buttons that don’t proscribe to the standard lozenge look that’s defined in the graphic sheets for the theme, in fact, for my main screen I want to override the defaults and have nine, large, square buttons with single coloured backgrounds.
Looking at the docs, I see it should be possible to manually define the button height in the NewButton call and also (using the color command) to set the color of the button to a defined value, however, I tried both methods and I can’t override either parameter.
Here’s the def call:
x = 153,
y = 160 + ((i * 100) + 5),
width = 490,
scale = _G.GUIScale,
name = thisButton[2],
parentGroup = Screen,
theme = “theme_5”,
caption = thisButton[1],
color = {254, 231, 239},
border = {“normal”, 1, 0, 245, 255, 245, 50},
textAlign = “center”,
onRelease = function(EventData)
Storyboard.gotoScene( thisButton[2], “slideLeft”, 800 )
} )
Can anyone tell me where I’m going wrong? [import]uid: 45444 topic_id: 27349 reply_id: 327349[/import]