I’ve been trying to replace my old menu buttons with the ones from Widget Candy. It’s going well otherwise but when I try to create physical bodies from the buttons created like this:
bt01 = \_G.GUI.NewButton(
width = 140,
name = "bt01",
theme = menuTheme,
icon = nil,
textAlign = "center",
caption = "New Game",
onPress = function( EventData ) print("I WAS PRESSED!") end,
--[any other properties...]
} )
bt01.x = stageWidth\*0.5
bt01.y = 100
physics.addBody( bt01, "kinematic", { friction=0.5, myName = "btn1" } )
The physical body seems to have reference point set to BottomRightReferencePoint or something like that. Hope that the screenshot shows the problem.
Is there a way to get the both button and it’s physical body both use display.CenterReferencePoint ?
In the screenshot there are some physics joints seen (don’t mind about those) but it should also show that the physical body is aligned differently than the button.
Thanks in advance!
Kalle [import]uid: 55867 topic_id: 32637 reply_id: 332637[/import]