widget.newButton and different size images...how?

Hi everyone,
I’ve just started with Corona (coming from a Flash/Flex background) and I’m having a little issue with the widget.newButton.

I have two images, one for the default state and another one for the over state. My issue is that the over state has an outer glow and therefore is a little bigger then the default state image. But, when I assign it to the button, it displays the default image at the correct size, but the over image is smaller (seems to be fitting the over image into the default image’s bounding box size)… what do I have to do to get both images to display at their correct sizes?

Thank you for any help you can give me.

[lua]local tileBtn = widget.newButton{
labelColor = { default={255}, over={128} },
width=67, height=54, --size of the default.png image
onRelease = onTileBtnRelease – event listener function
tileBtn.view:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
tileBtn.view.x = display.contentWidth/2;
tileBtn.view.y = display.contentHeight/2;[/lua] [import]uid: 145341 topic_id: 25684 reply_id: 325684[/import]