widget.newButton - More detail please

Hi Ed.    More playing with this has just revealed that I can select the Item in my list, if I tap just off the bin-location…  (wtf?)…

                               Impellor                                    1

If I click here…           ^                                                       result = ‘1’

If I click here…                                                         ^         result = ‘1’

If I click here                                                        ^             result = ‘Impellor’

Now I’m totally confused.   :frowning:

What is going on?

Thanks for any help…!

I don’t know if it is the increased width of the ‘1’ button, as on your third test you click a bit to the right of it and you get ‘Impellor’.

Hi.  I looked at your code and I have to ask you to try again.

Make a small example in main.lua that makes a few buttons.  Don’t copy your current project into main.  That won’t help.

This exercise has two purposes:

  1. It gives you a chance to focus on button making code outside of the context of all your other code.

Doing this may lead you to the source of your error.

2.  Failing that, you will then have a tiny example that still exhibits the problem which others can examine.

In any case, the example must at least run for me to help debug it.



PS - Almost all the code you need to achieve this exercise in duplicating your buttons is to be found right here: 


You don’t need any composer.* calls or anything like that.

@tezc - One additional question.  

Are you using composer.* in your project because you followed along with the guides and they showed composer.* code?

Or is your project copied and then modified from somewhere else?. i.e. Are you modifying an existing project you found?

I am asking this because I had a recent discussion with other long-time Corona users about whether composer should be introduced early or late to new users.  I personally think it should be introduced very late, because it causes situations like the one I’m seeing here.

You have some code you can’t get working and it is embedded in composer.* scene code that you’re not really familiar with.  Then, you’re asked to separate out the trouble code into a small testbench and you don’t know what to keep and what to throw away.

This is not your fault, but it does go to my argument that having new folks use composer early just makes training, learning, and getting help  more complicated.

Hello Ed.

I have succeeded in getting a working copy of just the code that I need to demonstrate the problem into the attached .zip file. :slight_smile:

  • Yes I am using ‘composer.*’ - but not sure yet why - If I can dispense with it, that would be GREAT! - I’m all for keeping things as simple as I can  - Also, haven’t mentioned thus far…   I do not intend for this app to be rotatable…  My expectation is that it will only ever run in portrait mode, and then only on a handful of tech’s phones at work, all running Android 8.0.0 or better…   We will also, not ever be offering this App to the marketplace, So I do not need to include anything extraneous that is not needed.     I will cross the ‘publishing’ bridge once I have the app doing everything we need it to, in the simulator. <_<

If I can resolve this ‘button’ issue, I’ll be well on my way. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for any assistance…

@ sdktester15…    Hence my confusion!   :wacko:


You’re drawing the buttons on top of each other. The last one will be the active one.  I wouldn’t do it the way you’re doing it. I would use the “shape” option and let the button have its own background instead of drawing a transparent background button on your own background rectangle, but if you want to go that way, set the width of the button and position the cx value accordingly. As of now both buttons have the same cx value and are the same width.


Hi Rob.

Thanks for chiming in on this for me :slight_smile:

I’m sure there is a better way to do this, but for now, this seems to be getting me what I need. (I did say I may well be doing this all wrong)  :smiley:

I think the penny has dropped - I think I now realize what is going on invisibly with my widget.newButton…   When you said I was placing the buttons on top of each other, I thought I had compensated for that with the offset, but then I realized the actual button is perhaps in one place, whilst the label is offset somewhere else…   :huh:   So I remmed out the ‘offset’ parameter in my parameter list and then shifted the actual button placement (changed the cx value of the button and it is working much better now.   I STILL have some weirdness, but It’s better than it was.    I still don’t see how to control the WIDTH of the button (as I’m displaying them) per your comment above “…set the width of the button and position the cx value…” - The buttons still seem to extend well beyond the width of the text.

I’ve found if I set the alignment for the bin-location button (the right-hand side button) to ‘left’ and set it’s cx value way off to the right, that seems to work ok for what I need - they no longer overlap.

Thanks for the assist!

Basically, widget buttons have a default width and height. Even if you can’t see it, you have to imagine them taking up a rectangle space on the screen.  When you align the text, you’re just shifting the text either left, right or centered in that invisible box. Corona text objects like the ones used in the label’s for the buttons are also a graphic rectangle, so not just the visual part of the text is touchable.

I’m not sure what your goal is by having the label touchable and the number touchable is, but your current code is drawing the exact same sized rectangles on top of each other and you can only touch the topmost one.

Can I post your code back here to the forum (at least the button creation code)?


Hi Rob.

Yes, thanks. - That was the crucial tid-bit of info I couldn’t quite grasp until your first post.

Now you sound like you’re not even certain how corona determines the width of the button!    By relocating the centers of my buttons outboard of my scene, and changing the alignment, I think I’ve managed to at least place the buttons so they no longer overlap, and still format the data on the scene how I want it.     It’s an interesting question as to how Corona determines how wide the button should be, but for my purposes, my code is now working acceptably.      I have no issue if you want to post my code up for others to learn from.    I’m all about sharing the knowledge!  :smiley:

Hi.  I’m just seeing this now.  I’ll follow up after a get some work done.

Gotta pay those bills first.

Back later.

The default button width varies depending on what theme you’re using. The iOS7+ theme for instance, the button’s default width is 180.

Here is the code I worked out based on what you started:

 for dispLine=0,9 do rowbg = display.newRect(cx,cy-165+(dispLine)\*38, fullw-40, 36) rowbg:setFillColor( .5, .3, .3 ) textItem = item[currentDisplayFrom+dispLine] buttonNm="btn"..(5+dispLine) local buttonItemName = widget.newButton( { id = buttonNm, label = textItem, font = native.systemFont, fontSize = 18, labelAlign = "left", --strokeColor = { default={ 1, 1, 1 }, over={ 0.4, 0.1, 0.2 } }, --strokeWidth = 4, --labelXOffset = -80, shape = "rect", height = 36, width = 230, labelColor = { default={ 1, 1, 0 }, over={ 0, 1, 1, 0.5 } }, fillColor = { default={ 1, 1, 1, 1 }, over={ 1, 0, 0, 0 } }, onEvent = handleButtonItemEvent } ) selectedItem = textItem buttonItemName.x = cx - 20 buttonItemName.y = cy -165+dispLine\*38 labelSection = (section[currentDisplayFrom+dispLine]) local buttonSectionName = widget.newButton( { id = buttonSection, label = labelSection, font = native.systemFont, fontSize = 18, labelAlign = "right", shape = "rect", width = 40, height = 36, --labelXOffset = 80, labelColor = { default={ 1, 1, 1 }, over={ 0, 1, 1, 0.5 } }, fillColor = { default={ 1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.7 }, over={ 1, 0.9, 0.7, 1 }}, onEvent = handleButtonSectionEvent } ) buttonSectionName.x = cx + 120 buttonSectionName.y = cy -165+dispLine\*38 --]] end 

Basically, the first thing I did was comment out your offsets and added the “shape” option so that I could see the background of the button (the invisible part). When I did this, you could see that with your 80 point offsets, it was actually shifting the backgrounds of the buttons in a bad way.  I also commented out the stroke on the left button because it visually made the left button taller than the right button and that added to the visual confusion.

To get this to look right, I then set physical widths for each button (230 point for the left, 40 point for the right) and set a physical height,j just for fun.  Then I figured out the value for the x location for each button. You can see from the new screenshot how the new buttons are positioned. To hide the background, simply take the “shape” option out.

You can adjust the button widths if you want the right button to be a bit wider to make it an easier touch target or if those numbers can get quite large. Just take away some width of the left button and adjust the X value of the buttons.


It looks like Rob has taken over here and is making good progress against the problem.

I’ll bow out and let Rob continue as needed.

Thanks @Rob Miracle.