widget.newButton trouble

my first corona code gives me headache:

require( “widget” )

local myButton = widget.newButton
left = 10,
top = 80,
label = “gumb”,
labelAlign = “center”,
font = “Arial”,
fontSize = 18,
labelColor = { default = {0,0,0}, over = {255,255,255} },

corona simulator gives me error:

 c:/corona/main.lua3: attempt to index global ‘widget’ (a nil value)

what did i do wrong? i need just a simple button, please help.

local widget = require(“widget”)

thank you i reprogrammed the code and it gives me no error. Should this code show a button on the corona simulator?

The intro and buttons videos are available free in this course:


That may help you get started with the button widget.


local widget = require(“widget”)

thank you i reprogrammed the code and it gives me no error. Should this code show a button on the corona simulator?

The intro and buttons videos are available free in this course:


That may help you get started with the button widget.
