widget.newSlider() not working with Director


I’m trying to implement a Slider widget into my Director program. To test it, I used this code from the WidgetDemo:

-- slider listener function  
local function sliderListener( event )  
 local string = "Slider at " .. event.value .. "%"  
 sliderResult:setText( string )  
 sliderResult:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )  
 sliderResult.x = 160  
 sliderResult.y = 150  
local slider = widget.newSlider{  
 top = 200,  
 left = 50,  
 listener = sliderListener  
sliderGroup:insert( slider )  

When I try to run the program, I get this error:

…\options.lua:86: ERROR: table expected. If this is a function call, you might have used ‘.’ instead of ‘:’

Does anyone know how to fix this? The code runs fine when I simulate the WidgetDemo. localGroup is the parent group of sliderGroup (I used “local sliderGroup = display.newGroup(); local localGroup = display.newGroup(); localGroup:insert( sliderGroup )”)

(Line 86 is sliderGroup:insert( slider )) [import]uid: 151029 topic_id: 27118 reply_id: 327118[/import]