I would like to set my widget’s state from values previously saved to a file or db etc. I know I can use the following to achieve this : newStepper:setValue( value_from_file_goes_here ) and it works. Next time I click the +/- I see the value picking from what I set the newStepper to. So far so good…
Problem is that newStepper.value is not updated unless I click one of the newStepper buttons and increment or decrement the newStepper.value.
In other words newStepper.value should be updated each time newStepper:setValue() is used to programmatically change a newStepper’s value.
Edit : Yes, I know I can use newStepper._view._currentValue and it works as I describe above. But… this is not an exposed element of this API as newStepper.value is so there is still a need to get this fixed. Thanks!!!