widget.newTableView with images rerenders?

I’m using Corona SDK 2011.704a and the widget.newTableView function to make a list with texts and images. When I drag the list up so that some of the images go outside of the screen and then releases the list, the images seem to render again since it doesn’t scroll back smoothly. If I only use texts however, it goes smooth when scrolling and releasing the list. Is this fixed in the daily builds?

[import]uid: 24111 topic_id: 25364 reply_id: 325364[/import]

A solution to the problem was to have a copy of each image outside the list and the screen to get better performance.

Test the code below with some high resolution images and with and without img2



– require controller module
local widget = require “widget”

– The main group
mainGroup = display.newGroup()

– The main function
local function main()

local function onRowRender( event )
local group = event.view
local row = event.target
local index = event.index
local id = event.id

text[index] = display.newText( "Row "…index, 100, 0, “HelveticaNeue”, 18 )
text[index]:setReferencePoint( display.CenterLeftReferencePoint )
text[index].y = row.height -75
text[index].x = 150
text[index]:setTextColor( 0 )

img[index] = display.newImage(“image”…index…".jpg")
img[index]:setReferencePoint( display.CenterLeftReferencePoint )
img[index].xScale = 100/img[index].width
img[index].yScale = 150/img[index].height
img[index].x = 10
img[index].y = row.height - 75

–Try uncommenting the code below

–[[img2[index] = display.newImage(“image”…index…".jpg")
img2[index]:setReferencePoint( display.CenterLeftReferencePoint )
img2[index].xScale = 100/img2[index].width
img2[index].yScale = 150/img2[index].height
img2[index].x = 200
img2[index].y = row.height - 75 --]]

– must insert everything into event.view:


local function createList()

local listOptions = {
top = 200,
width = 640,
_G.myList = widget.newTableView( listOptions )
_G.row = {}
_G.text = {}
_G.img = {}
_G.img2 = {}

topbar = display.newRect(0,0,640,200)

for i=1, 3 do
local rowHeight = 150
– function below is responsible for creating the row
id = “unique-row-” … i,
onRender = onRowRender,
height = 150


myList.isVisible = true

return true


[/code] [import]uid: 24111 topic_id: 25364 reply_id: 102452[/import]