* I’ve currently got the reference size set to large width = 1408, height = 2048. That is these are the content width and height in my config.lua.
* I then develop images in the higher resolution, and then when overlaying small images and placing them on the larger background image I can use the coordinates from the large image (noting the reference size is set to large)
* The imageSuffix scaling then for the app in config.lua is like this:
[""] = 0.2,
["\_2"] = 0.4,
["\_3"] = 1.0
* When laying out RadioButtons in WidgetCandy, noting they have a text and the graphic for the circle, I’m noting that depending on how I set “fontSize” or “Scale” then one of these items isn’t scaling well.
* That is:
(Option A) Font=20, Scale=4
* Circles (from radio buttons) are about right size
* Text however looks terrible (blurry as it’s been scaled)
(Option B) Font=80, Scale=1
* Circles (from radio buttons) are really really smal - no good
* Text good
QUESTION : Do I need to drop my reference size for the application down to that of basic iPhone to avoid this, or is there another way?
[import]uid: 140210 topic_id: 27939 reply_id: 327939[/import]