Windows 10 as a dev OS?

Hi all,

I’m just about to embark on my first windows phone port. I’ll be working in a VM in VMware on a Mac. I don’t currently have Windows at all so I’ll be buying a license.

Does the Corona Cards SDK work on windows 10 or do I need to buy a Windows 8 license, then *not* update?

Thanks a lot

I am using Win10 to develop on a PC… but not in a VM.  I upgraded about a week ago, and there’s been no issues with Win10 itself.

No experience running 10 in a VM though.


Thank you John,

In that case I’m sure it will be fine. Are you still using the Windows Phone 8 SDK?




I really haven’t done anything with Windows phone since my current computer is very old and does not support it.  I actually ordered a new system a couple of days ago, and once it arrives, one of my first development projects is to port all my apps to Windows phone.


Ahhh OK thanks John. I misunderstood.

I thought that you meant you were using windows 10 for your corona cards development with no problems!

Anyone else tried windows 10 with Corona Cards?



I am using windows 10 and corona cards for windows phone with no issues at all.

Well one issue but its with the documentation that I am getting ready to post here in just a min…

I am deploying to windows phone mo problem

except On windows 10 the .CHM help file does not render the text so it appears as if the help file is empty… I checked older CHM help files and its the same on all of them

Corona SDK should work fine on Windows 10. However we do not support running Corona SDK in a VM. VM’s generally can’t give us all the resources we need.


Thanks Rob,

That’s probably it. My host Macbook Pro is fairly dated now so I can’t emulate hyper-v (Though I don’t actually need the Phone Emulator), although performance on windows 7 / 10 is absolutely fine.

I’ll have to borrow a laptop or consider Boot-camping my Mac… Unnnnggggggg!



I am using Win10 to develop on a PC… but not in a VM.  I upgraded about a week ago, and there’s been no issues with Win10 itself.

No experience running 10 in a VM though.


Thank you John,

In that case I’m sure it will be fine. Are you still using the Windows Phone 8 SDK?




I really haven’t done anything with Windows phone since my current computer is very old and does not support it.  I actually ordered a new system a couple of days ago, and once it arrives, one of my first development projects is to port all my apps to Windows phone.


Ahhh OK thanks John. I misunderstood.

I thought that you meant you were using windows 10 for your corona cards development with no problems!

Anyone else tried windows 10 with Corona Cards?



I am using windows 10 and corona cards for windows phone with no issues at all.

Well one issue but its with the documentation that I am getting ready to post here in just a min…

I am deploying to windows phone mo problem

except On windows 10 the .CHM help file does not render the text so it appears as if the help file is empty… I checked older CHM help files and its the same on all of them

Corona SDK should work fine on Windows 10. However we do not support running Corona SDK in a VM. VM’s generally can’t give us all the resources we need.


Thanks Rob,

That’s probably it. My host Macbook Pro is fairly dated now so I can’t emulate hyper-v (Though I don’t actually need the Phone Emulator), although performance on windows 7 / 10 is absolutely fine.

I’ll have to borrow a laptop or consider Boot-camping my Mac… Unnnnggggggg!

