Windows 10 Documentation for Windows Phone is Blank.... Please help.

On windows 10 the .CHM help file does not render the text so it appears as if the help file is empty… I checked older CHM help files and its the same on all of them.

you can see the attached help file.

This is *not* an issue with the CoronaCards zip file.

What you are seeing here is a Microsoft Windows “feature” that’s been around since Windows XP service pack 2.  When you download a zip file from the Internet, Windows will not automatically unzip all of its content unless you “Unblock” it.  Windows does this to help protect people from viruses and other malicious content.

So, what you need to do is the following:

  1. Right click on the CoronaCards zip file.
  2. Select “Properties” from the popup menu.
  3. Select the “General” tab from the Properties window.
  4. Click the “Unblock” button.
  5. Click the “OK” button.
  6. Now unzip the file.

Note that the above is true for *all* zip files you download from the Internet.  It’s a Windows thing.  :wink:

And here’s a screenshot from Microsoft’s website to help you find the “Unblock” button, if it’ll help you out.

I was able to use this without an issue. and i agree its a windows issue - this is the first time EVER in the history of windows i have ever had this problem… i bet there is a way to turn it off in the registry…


Thanks for the help it worked.

Great!  Happy to help.  :slight_smile:

And just to let you know, this can happen to other files you download from the Internet as well such as *.exe, *.msi, *.bat, *.pdf, etc.  So, I’ve made a habit of always double checking that the file is unblocked before using it… provided that I trust the file and where I’ve downloaded it of course.

This is *not* an issue with the CoronaCards zip file.

What you are seeing here is a Microsoft Windows “feature” that’s been around since Windows XP service pack 2.  When you download a zip file from the Internet, Windows will not automatically unzip all of its content unless you “Unblock” it.  Windows does this to help protect people from viruses and other malicious content.

So, what you need to do is the following:

  1. Right click on the CoronaCards zip file.
  2. Select “Properties” from the popup menu.
  3. Select the “General” tab from the Properties window.
  4. Click the “Unblock” button.
  5. Click the “OK” button.
  6. Now unzip the file.

Note that the above is true for *all* zip files you download from the Internet.  It’s a Windows thing.  :wink:

And here’s a screenshot from Microsoft’s website to help you find the “Unblock” button, if it’ll help you out.

I was able to use this without an issue. and i agree its a windows issue - this is the first time EVER in the history of windows i have ever had this problem… i bet there is a way to turn it off in the registry…


Thanks for the help it worked.

Great!  Happy to help.  :slight_smile:

And just to let you know, this can happen to other files you download from the Internet as well such as *.exe, *.msi, *.bat, *.pdf, etc.  So, I’ve made a habit of always double checking that the file is unblocked before using it… provided that I trust the file and where I’ve downloaded it of course.