"Windows cannot find '-project' error message

I have imported an existing project I have been working on into the Corona Project Manager.

  1. The first thing I notice is that the ‘Launch’ button is greyed out.
  2. Then if I right click the actual project and do e.g. launcg with iPhone, I get the error “Windows cannot find ‘-project’. Make sure you typed the name correctly , and then try again”.

I can launch my project using the Corona Simulator.

What is wrong here??

Thanks [import]uid: 77489 topic_id: 15200 reply_id: 315200[/import]

If the Launch button is greyed out it means the Location of the Corona Simulator hasn’t been set in Preferences (under the General tab).

Take care of that and it should be available to click.

That you were able to try and launch the project via right-click on the project (without setting the Location in Prefs) is a bug. Thanks for finding it for me. :slight_smile:

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 15200 reply_id: 56214[/import]