With Corona Ver2014.2511, a Console window opens and it fills a screen.


In the plugin.lua file you will see the following snippet. The cmd table contains all the command line arguments.

function getLaunchCommandDebug(args) local path = args.options["Simulator Path"] if(MAC) then path = path.."/Contents/MacOS/Corona Simulator" end local response = { cmd = { path, "-project", args.buildFolder.."/main.lua", "-debug", "1", "-no-console YES" }, dir = args.buildFolder, } return response end 


M.Y. Developers

Hello developer;


Thank you reply.  I added the following parameters. 

,"-no-console YES"

However, change was not visible to a result.

Is correspondence of it necessity in the CoronaSimulator side?  :mellow:


Hi @M.Y. Developers;

Thank you for the infomation.  I have solved the problem.

I rewrote as follows and solved the problem. 

function getLaunchCommandDebug(args)    

    local path = args.options[“Simulator Path”]

    if(MAC) then

        path = path…"/Contents/MacOS/Corona Simulator"


    local response = {

        cmd = {




            “-debug”, “1”,



        dir = args.buildFolder,


    return response 


Thank you CyberCatfish. The change will be reflected in the next update.

Where do I put the file? I can’t find the path you mentioned on my system (Mac Book Pro Retina).

And what about error messages inside Glider? How can I see them again now?

Hi d.match

path > ~/Library/Application Support/luaglider2/dev/SystemPlugins/corona/plugin.lua

All information is mentioned in this Topic.

When it can’t be understood by the mentioned contents, please wait for an update a moment.

And, All console output from corona is shown to a output window in Glider.