Worried about AdMob CTR being too large

I made the decision yesterday to move away from Admob banner Ads and to implement Interstitials instead due to severe frame rate drops I was seeing when ads refreshed.

The game features short bursts of gameplay (normally 30 seconds to a minute) followed by a game over screen with retry, social and leaderboard buttons. I am displaying an Interstitial ad with a random probability of 1 in 3 at the end of each game.

The potential issue I am seeing is that as the game is quick paced, I suspect users are aiming for the retry button instinctively and hitting the Interstitial Ad as it is displayed. This has lead to a first day CTR of 23% and a tenfold increase in ad revenue.

Whilst this is of course a dream situation, I am very worried that the high CTR will come to Google’s attention and potentially get my account suspended or at worst banned.

Does anyone have a similar experience of high CTR with Admob?

For anyone that is interested, you can see the game at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.guardsheep.games.spikes