Writing your own Corona plugins

Hi guys,

What is the story on plugin development? As someone who writes native iOS & Android libraries, I would love to see a way to throw a Lua interface on top of it somehow with your APIs and expose it to both myself and other Corona devs.

ops - With Corona Enterprise you can write your own plugins today. To make them accessible to other developers you will have to wait a bit until we have more of a Plugin Marketplace. RIght now we are going to have 3rd party plugins, but only from specific partners. But our goal is to open it further in the near future.

I’d love to hear your ideas on the type of plugins you would like to create. Feel free to email me at david at coronalabs.

ops - With Corona Enterprise you can write your own plugins today. To make them accessible to other developers you will have to wait a bit until we have more of a Plugin Marketplace. RIght now we are going to have 3rd party plugins, but only from specific partners. But our goal is to open it further in the near future.

I’d love to hear your ideas on the type of plugins you would like to create. Feel free to email me at david at coronalabs.