Nice catch! Saved me quite a bit of time…
Here’s the missing example as welll…
button = graphics.newImageSheet( “bit-button.png”, { width = 21, height = 10, numFrames = 9 })
local myButton = widget.newButton
left = 10,
top = 80,
label = “Default”,
labelAlign = “center”,
font = “Charriot”,
sheet = button,
topLeftFrame =1,
topMiddleFrame = 2,
topRightFrame = 3,
middleLeftFrame = 4,
middleFrame = 5,
middleRightFrame = 6,
bottomLeftFrame = 7,
bottomMiddleFrame = 8,
bottomRightFrame = 9,
topLeftOverFrame =1,
topMiddleOverFrame = 2,
topRightOverFrame = 3,
middleLeftOverFrame = 4,
middleOverFrame = 5,
middleRightOverFrame = 6,
bottomLeftOverFrame = 7,
bottomMiddleOverFrame = 8,
bottomRightOverFrame = 9,
fontSize = 8,
labelColor = { default = {192,192,192}, over = {255,255,255} },
onEvent = onButtonEvent
myButton.baseLabel = “Default”