wrong position of textField

Hi, im having an issue with a textfield.

There is a textfield in scene 2. When I change from scene 1 to scene 2, in the transition (slideLeft) the textfield from scene 2 is shown for a brief moment on the top left of the screen and when the transition animation is over it immediately positions itselft where it should be (on the bottom right corner of the screen)

I never change the texField’s position using code so I don’t know why is this happening.

I tried initiating the textfield on the “willEnterScene” but it doesn’t makes any difference.

Here is the textFields code:

[lua]local text = native.newTextField( largo_box/2+10 , 14, largo_box, 30 )
text.font = native.newFont( “Arista2.0”, 18 )
text.align = “left”
text.isEditable = true
text.hasBackground = false
text.text = “this is a textfield”
text:setTextColor( 102, 102, 102 )

Best regards,

Any native.* object you create lives outside of the OpenGL canvas.  You cannot insert them into a display group and therefore Storyboard cannot manage them.  You are responsible to create and remove them yourself.  It’s best to create them in enterScene and remove them in exitScene.


Any native.* object you create lives outside of the OpenGL canvas.  You cannot insert them into a display group and therefore Storyboard cannot manage them.  You are responsible to create and remove them yourself.  It’s best to create them in enterScene and remove them in exitScene.
