(yet another) admob Rewards issue. Ad not loading.

So, failing to do reward ads in my app.
My code (shamelesly copied/pasted from the example:

local function adListener( event )
	local json = require( "json" )
	print("Ad event: ")
	print( json.prettify( event ) )

	if ( event.phase == "init" ) then  -- Successful initialization
		print( event.provider )
		admob.load( "rewardedVideo", { adUnitId = myRewardedAdUnitId, hasUserConsent = false } )
	elseif event.phase == "failed" then
		if event.type == "rewardedVideo" then
			-- Put your ad loading failover code here
			print("We failed to load the rewardedVideo") 
	elseif ( event.phase == "displayed" ) then -- Ads were loaded
		if event.type == "rewardedVideo" then
		  print("------ We will now do again the load for the rewarded video") 
		  admob.load( "rewardedVideo", { adUnitId = myRewardedAdUnitId, hasUserConsent = false } )
	elseif ( event.phase == "reward" ) then -- A rewarded video was completed
		local data = json.decode( event.data )
		local rewardAmount = data.rewardAmount
		local rewardItem = data.rewardItem
		printTable("reward data back", data)
		-- code to give these to your user
  1. (Even though documentation says otherwise), having testMode =true does load the ad (I keep on seeing the chancelor of Germany), for 1-2 seconds, and then it closes. (According to documentation it should return a failed event, but I don’t see one).

    : Ad event:
    : {
    : “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/yyyyyyyyyy”}",
    : “name”:“adsRequest”,
    : “phase”:“displayed”,
    : “provider”:“admob”,
    : “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
    : “isError”:false
    : }
    : ------ We will now do again the load for the rewarded video
    : plugin.admob: Test mode active for device ‘D________________’
    : Ad event:
    : {
    : “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/yyyyyyyyyy”}",
    : “name”:“adsRequest”,
    : “phase”:“closed”,
    : “provider”:“admob”,
    : “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
    : “isError”:false
    : }
    : Ad event:
    : {
    : “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/yyyyyyyyyy”}",
    : “name”:“adsRequest”,
    : “phase”:“loaded”,
    : “provider”:“admob”,
    : “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
    : “isError”:false
    : }

  1. When I change the testMode to “false”, (as the documentation says for testing rewardAds),
    I get just a blank screen the moment that the ad should start.

: Ad event:
: {
: “name”:“adsRequest”,
: “phase”:“init”,
: “provider”:“admob”,
: “isError”:false
: }
: admob
: Ad event:
: {
: “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/zzzzzzzzz”}",
: “name”:“adsRequest”,
: “phase”:“loaded”,
: “provider”:“admob”,
: “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
: “isError”:false
: }
: ####### here we will show an ad
: Ad event:
: {
: “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/zzzzzzzzz”}",
: “name”:“adsRequest”,
: “phase”:“displayed”,
: “provider”:“admob”,
: “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
: “isError”:false
: }
: ------ We will now do again the load for the rewarded video

Here the screen goes black, and nothing happens. The only thing I can do is to go back (by the android button), in which case this happens:

: Ad event:
: {
: “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/zzzzzzzzz”}",
: “name”:“adsRequest”,
: “phase”:“loaded”,
: “provider”:“admob”,
: “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
: “isError”:false
: }
: Ad event:
: {
: “data”:"{“adUnitId”:“ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\/zzzzzzzzz”}",
: “name”:“adsRequest”,
: “phase”:“closed”,
: “provider”:“admob”,
: “type”:“rewardedVideo”,
: “isError”:false

Update: The whole minimum code that is needed (without the app_id and the ad_unit_id) can be found at: https://github.com/koyan/solar2d-rewardad

What am I missing?

This should be resolved now, see https://github.com/coronalabs/corona/issues/202