Yo whats up Im Max

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Yo Max

Hey just a general question. Is software engineering a good career? Cause I am very interested in majoring in computer science after I graduate high school.

Yes, of course. Probably one of the careers with the most opportunity right now. Definitely consider it.

Yes, but make sure it is proper computing. Not too much soft stuff - programming at all levels. Some electronics is useful too. Keep up the Mathematics Don’t go for a computer games course or anything like that.

I note you love programming which is great. Practice, practice. Don’t just write lua/Corona apps - not that I’m knocking it, but do other languages, write a bit of assembler, look at more esoteric things as well. You might end up creating your own portfolio.

Enter some contests - like the Corona one, but there are others, you might not win but you’ll learn a lot.

Good luck !

yeah for sure I am actually learning c# and java right now! I want to create an indie game for Xbox because they are written in C#. I am taking AP Computer Science this fall and another class that teaches HTML. Im excited. 

Yo Max

Hey just a general question. Is software engineering a good career? Cause I am very interested in majoring in computer science after I graduate high school.

Yes, of course. Probably one of the careers with the most opportunity right now. Definitely consider it.

Yes, but make sure it is proper computing. Not too much soft stuff - programming at all levels. Some electronics is useful too. Keep up the Mathematics Don’t go for a computer games course or anything like that.

I note you love programming which is great. Practice, practice. Don’t just write lua/Corona apps - not that I’m knocking it, but do other languages, write a bit of assembler, look at more esoteric things as well. You might end up creating your own portfolio.

Enter some contests - like the Corona one, but there are others, you might not win but you’ll learn a lot.

Good luck !

yeah for sure I am actually learning c# and java right now! I want to create an indie game for Xbox because they are written in C#. I am taking AP Computer Science this fall and another class that teaches HTML. Im excited.