ZeroBrane Studio Corona API 2020.3606

Hi guys!
I am using ZeroBrane Studio as my IDE for Corona (Solar2D) development.
In the current version 1.90 we still have an outdated Corona API converted from CoronaSDK-APIDOC-2017-3068.
It is missing several properties like display.safeActual..

Yesterday I managed to generate an updated table based on current API docs 2020.3606
Since it wasn’t a straight forward process (needed to modify generation script and run some regex to strip HTML tags), I thought I’d share it with the community, in case anybody needs it. I am using this new API since yesterday with no issues. (35.6 KB)


Cool! Thank´s.

Nice work!

How about uploading this to GitHub with simple installation instructions(like Solar2D Editor for example) so we can add this to documentation as the ZeroBrane Studio package?

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I am not sure how to go about GitHub, since this is nothing new, ZeroBrane supports corona out of the box, it’s just that the API is somewhat outdated. Maybe I should submit it to for inclusion?

Also, there is no installation - just replace the corona.lua in ZeroBraneStudio\api\lua

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Submitting the changes, definitely a far better idea. I’m not aware of how ZeroBrane works but that would benefit more developers.

Here is a better version, more complete ( ran the original script on markdown set instead of HTML). Don’t know how to delete original attachment. (37.6 KB)

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This has been merged into master repo:

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Great work, thank you.

Hi, @andrei18. Could you please tell me how you were able to update the corona.lua file from the corona-docs? I’m trying to get the latest API info in the corona.lua like you did but can’t find or build the file Sorry to bother you in such an old topic but it’s the only reference I found regarding the topic.

Edit: I finally got it. Here it is for anyone who might find it useful.

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Great, I was about to post this when I saw your edit. Here it is anyway for future reference.

I think the needed docs may be here:


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