zeroconf throws an error when calling stopBrowse().

The documentation states the following to stop the browse to use this:

zeroconf.stopBrowse( browserID ) 

I also tried:

zeroconf.stopBrowse( type, browserID ) zeroconf.stopBrowse( {type="type", browser="browserID"} )

In all test I get this error: 

Jun 18 11:51:36.516 ERROR: Client.lua:444: zeroconf.stopBrowse(): did not receive browser type as first parameter

Not a big deal the All method works just fine but letting you know.

Thank you for reporting. Sorry, I really messed up with error description. It should be something like " did not receive browser id as first parameter"


zeroconf.stopBrowse( browserID )

Or just use


Have fun and thank you for using Corona!

zeroconf.stopBrowseAll works perfectly fine.

I couldn’t get zeroconf.stopBrowse( browserId ) to work, but I only have one browser going at the time so it is ok.

Thank you for the library.

Thank you for reporting. Sorry, I really messed up with error description. It should be something like " did not receive browser id as first parameter"


zeroconf.stopBrowse( browserID )

Or just use


Have fun and thank you for using Corona!

zeroconf.stopBrowseAll works perfectly fine.

I couldn’t get zeroconf.stopBrowse( browserId ) to work, but I only have one browser going at the time so it is ok.

Thank you for the library.