Does the new fix need to download the new SDK from RevMob ? [import]uid: 42593 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112042[/import]
@jinwchen – it is supposed to work in all SDKs. But this is a temporary fix and instead of crashing the app, you’ll receive a popup redirecting to RevMob’s website. We’re working on a permanent fix since this has been happening due to a Corona bug that they are not willing to solve [import]uid: 137117 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112044[/import]
I got great results. See below:
Day Impressions Clicks Installs IR CTR eCPM Revenue
2012-06-14 4 3 1 33.33% 75.00% $0.00 $0.00
***** One install - but NO revenue ???
Day Impressions Clicks Installs IR CTR eCPM Revenue
2012-06-17 27 2 0 0.00% 7.41% $0.00 $0.00
2012-06-16 297 24 0 0.00% 8.08% $0.00 $0.00
2012-06-15 111 12 0 0.00% 10.81% $0.00 $0.00
2012-06-14 85 10 0 0.00% 11.76% $0.00 $0.00
2012-06-13 116 9 0 0.00% 7.76% $0.00 $0.00
I don’t understand…
57 clicks… CTR is 7.5 to11.7%. But, NO installs ???
I have installed a couple of games from your app yesterday (and opened those). Did your install count increased after that ?
[import]uid: 63121 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112045[/import]
guischv , mate, THANK YOU! You got it! No more CRASHES (at least on my own Android device) by now! Thats **A** w **E** s **O** m **E** from you! :) Thank you so much for taking your time as **RevMob
s CEO** to look into the bug and not being so absent as the people of Inneractive Ads system are. Also, thanks to @luis that is always around his topic here just to hear us. It`s really nice and I hope does not change in the near future.
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112048[/import]
Thanks for reponse. By the way, will the RevMob ads work in Amazon appstore and kindle fire ? [import]uid: 42593 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112053[/import]
@Meany Birds – hey there, an install without revenue is definitely not expected! during a few hours several days ago installs weren’t being converted into revenue in the interface, but since we have all the data in the backend you’ll be paid extra (a bit more than what’s in the interface for those few hours when installs weren’t being correctly handled). However, only to see if your revenue is being correctly tracked, would you mind clicking on a popup and installing the game? The install-rates are usually 1% on Android so on average for every 100 clicks you should get an install. Has anyone you know tried to install an app recently after clicking in a popup? Thanks a lot for your help on this, I really appreciate it.
@jinwchen – support to Amazon AppStore and Kindle Fire will be ready soon! It’s definitely in the works.
@RSCdev – glad to help! Thanks for your help, your contribution definitely will increase revenue for all our fellow Corona developers. [import]uid: 137117 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112085[/import]
@guischv: I got another email today. See below -
“Why do i keep getting emails sent to my phone every friking 10min saying download this game!!!even through middle if night!all im saying is it better stop as im megga pissed phone is buzzing none stop with icon coming up on top bar with advert?once now and again is ok but this is taking the piss!!!”
Why is the popup coming when the user is not inside the game? I only show the popup in every 3 levels. This is on android. [import]uid: 19297 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112089[/import]
@ckausik – We don’t show popups when the user is not inside the game. Our SDK doesn’t do this and there’s no way this came from RevMob – we don’t do Push Notification ads. Which means that unless the user is in the game, he won’t get ads. Also, our ads don’t buzz so I think this is probably not coming from RevMob. Also, we don’t send emails to users. I have a guess though: any chance you’re using other networks that may send push notifications to your users? [import]uid: 137117 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112091[/import]
@guischv: Yesterday I ran a getjar campaign for the 1st time. Do you think getjar is doing this? [import]uid: 19297 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112092[/import]
@ckausik – there are several networks that do this. And there are several other apps using these networks, so maybe your user got confused by another app’s push notification and blamed you instead of the other developer. I’m not sure how GetJar works! [import]uid: 137117 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112106[/import]
Thanks guischv. I just received another email “Stop SMS me, it’s bloody annoying”. I stopped the GetJar promotion already, trying to figure out what’s going on here. [import]uid: 19297 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112107[/import]
Fellow Developers, Friends of RevMob – the Corona team is not making our life easy. We have great new updates for all the platforms (Unity, iOS and Android) but not yet for Corona because the Corona team doesn’t give us access to the engine.
We pay out the highest eCPM in the industry, so I come here to ask for your help in getting Corona to integrate RevMob natively.
This will make the integration for you guys REALLY EASY, this will TRIPLE your eCPM and avoid all crashes that only used to happen with Corona because we don’t have access to it.
I don’t know anyone at Corona but I was hoping you guys might know someone.
We really need to integrate RevMob into Corona ASAP so that you guys can increase your already huge eCPM on iOS and Android.
Together we can change their mind! And even if they don’t let us in, we’ll keep working hard to improve the Corona SDK even more. We already pay a lot more per impression than Inneractive WITHOUT Corona’s support. And rest assured we’ll keep increasing your eCPM even without Corona’s help.
Thanks anyway guys!
[import]uid: 137117 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112249[/import]
I don’t know anyone from corona lab, but I have been using corona sdk for over 1 year now.
From my observation it seems to gain access to the engine, you need to enter a partnership with corona lab like admob/inneractive (Probably share a percentage of earning with corona lab). Then your codes will be integrated into the API by corona lab. We the subscribers can’t do much to help.
Revmob’s ecpm is very impressive, my game has only 3,000+ total download but earns $350 from revmob. $11 from inneractive. [import]uid: 49513 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112253[/import]
i think it’s a quiet good IDEA!!!
since we can’t access the engine so we can’t do lots stuff.
And although Corona said they are going to support Admob soon…
i think it’s going to be a while.(several months)…cause i don’t think staff of admob would help Corona(will?)
Corona has to study their SDK and add it.
On the other way, Revmob can do it with Corona TOGETHER. make it much easier to include it in Corona natively.
Corona can make much less effort, and give developer another choose.
everyone makes money and Corona does, too. Triple Wins. [import]uid: 25057 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112255[/import]
HUGE +1 for Corona Labs Team getting RevMob SDK running together their system!
Definitively RevMob SDK does not compare to Inneractive! Its infinite **BETTER**! It does really "look forward"/regard the real developer
s needs ($$$)! It`s a FACT!
Please, new Corona Labs Team, as a Corona Pro Developer I ask you guys to look into it (RevMob SDK integration/partnership) carefully and sure enough keeps the Coronas meta: Give real monetization tools for its developers! Isn
t it?
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE Mr. @Walter, @David Rangel and Corona Lab`s Team at all
Best Regards,
Rodrigo Costa.
PS: @guischv, personally I hope you do not “forget” CoronaSDK “even” if we do not “hear” from Corona`s Lab CEO, COO. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112256[/import]
@RSCdev – thanks for your support! rest assured we’ll ALWAYS be with you guys no matter what!!!
@OwenYang – thanks for the great words!!! we’ll do our best to reach them!!!
@Nob Studio – thanks for sharing your numbers and for the support!!!
Guys, if anyone could get someone from the Corona team to look at this thread this would be GREAT.
Corona team, my email is and we are willing to offer you FULL SUPPORT to integrate RevMob into your engine. [import]uid: 137117 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112259[/import]
While I value you’r commitment I don’t think reaching out to Corona Labs with a forum post is the right way to go, for one it doesn’t feel professional at all. You should contact them personally. Also detailing what benefits they would gain by working with you etc. would probably be a good idea.
They recently announced that they will release “Corona Enterprise” which let you access the native code of the Corona SDK. This will let us implement third party services (such as RevMob) much easier. Until then maybe you can use the native code to figure out how to make RevMob more accessible to us by signing of for the Enterprise private beta? [import]uid: 129450 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112284[/import]
Hi, I have implemented RevMob into my Android game. However, I’m getting crash error reports in my Google Play Developer Console with RevMob, so I’ve had to remove RevMob. This is the stack trace from the Google Play Developer Console:
v1.07 Jun 17, 2012 5:22:29 PM 14 reports
at$2.process(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpProcessor.process(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.postProcess(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Can the folks from RevMob comment on this? I’d like to use RevMob, but for now, will have to leave it out because of the crashes. I know the crashes are caused by RevMob because once I removed RevMob, the crashes went away. [import]uid: 92621 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112290[/import]
I updated my free app with RevMob. I am really looking forward to the performance.
…and its probably one of the easiest integrations I’ve ever done :).
good job! [import]uid: 90610 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112293[/import]
I have deployed my app with RevMob to Google Play for 4 days. I got the same error from Google Play report too:
v2.2 Jun 18, 2012 11:05:09 PM
at$2.process(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpProcessor.process(
at org.apache.http.protocol.HttpRequestExecutor.postProcess(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at [import]uid: 42593 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 112312[/import]