$10 eCPM GUARANTEED. Meet RevMob!

@Rodrigo: No problem at all, you are very welcome! I figure if I have questions, maybe others would have the same ones. By the way thank you too. I learn a lot from reading your questions on the forum as well. So we are even ah! Ah!

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104487[/import]

Please follow this steps to succesfully integrate RevMob on your app. I’ll be releasing a demo app sometime between today and tomorrow.

  1. Do not make any changes to the bcfads.lua file.
  2. Include the bcfads.lua and the json.lua in your application.
  3. Call the show pop-up function in the .lua of your choice. See the example below:

File “main.lua”

require( “bcfads” )

bcfads.showPopup ( { [“Android”] = “4f9ef464f50428000c00000b”, [“iPhone OS”] = “4f9ef46d05dfdf000b000008” } )

  1. Replace my IDs by yours. You can get IDs registering in our website (www.revmob.com). Just remember to send me an e-mail to enroll for the $10 eCPM guaranteed offer.
  2. Test on your iOS device (it won’t work in the simulator).
  3. Check the results in our website.

If you are still getting an error message. Please reach me through Skype.
[import]uid: 75921 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104491[/import]


Thanks for the instructions! I will try them as soon as possible as possible. Still I have couple more questions:

1- is the android app Id need to be there? I do not have an android device. Do I need to apply for an android app I’d as we’ll or can simply remove the reference to android app id?

2- which corona build do I need? Is the current stable one ok?

3- do I need to send you an email to simply test or the email is just to get the $10 eCPM

4- maybe it is my problem, I thought corona already included the Jason.lua? I will check my code and make sure I did include the Jason library.

5- if I have an app and the pop up window shows up 1000 times, during the lifetime of that app (hopefully more than 1000 times!) would I get $10 - your fee?

Sorry for all those questions. I am almost there in term of my app and wanted to release a paid app but now I am really re-considering either using in-app or ads.

Thanks again.


EDIT: According to this post, json module is already included into Corona so no need to add the actual module (just the the include is needed)

http://blog.anscamobile.com/2011/07/the-json-library-now-comes-pre-installed/ [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104495[/import]

@Mo, very glad to hear that mate!

BTW, thank you one more time and count on me if you need something that am able to help. :slight_smile:

PS: If you do setup the RevMob Ads into your "test"app right away, please, report here your thoughts about it. (I mean: the integration, kind of ads, etc…not about any revenue of course). :wink:

Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104505[/import]

Absolutely! I am making “some” progress.

For some reason if I change the following code:

[lua]function bcfads.showPopup ( applicationIds )
–applicationId = applicationIds[system.getInfo(“platformName”)]
applicationId = “iPhone OS” —<<<<< ADDED THIS!

path = “api/v4/mobile_apps/” … applicationId … “/pop_ups/fetch.json”;
content = buildShowPopupPayloadAsJSONString()
sendHTTPPost(path, content)

I no longer the dreaded error I was getting before and on the simulator it runs ok and even says that showWeb do not work on the simulator. Unfortunately on the device the following error shows up on the device console:
: Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 2, error message is: ?:0: attempt to index upvalue ‘?’ (a nil value)

I am sure i am not suppose to change the above function as I did but i was the only I was able to remove the earlier message which was: bcfads.lua:200: attempt to concatenate global ‘applicationId’ (a nil value)

I am also not sure why applicationId is not local?

Thanks for any pointer. maybe a sample app with this feature would be useful.

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104509[/import]

ok, at least i figure why this error message:
bcfads.lua:200: attempt to concatenate global ‘applicationId’ (a nil value)

If in windows the line:system.getInfo(“platformName” returns Win And with a Mac, Mac OS X. So if change the iPhone OS line to “Win” then the message is gone on the simulator. So, no need to change the code!!

At least that mystery is solved. I am still having problem on the device. Nothing happens on the screen and still getting the following error message:

May 2 14:45:42 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxxxxxxxx.testApp[0xb34e][4293] : Lua Runtime Error: lua_pcall failed with status: 2, error message is: ?:0: attempt to index upvalue ‘?’ (a nil value)

Not sure if it is my code:

Inside of one my module (i have both the bcfads.lua and json.lua from the file from Revmob)

[lua]require "bcfads"
require “json”
local function btAds(event)

local phase = event.phase

if phase == “release” then

bcfads.showPopup({[“iPhone OS”] = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” })



Getting there!

Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104515[/import]

i was unsuccessful at getting it to work as well…it seems to be written for an older version of corona…that just a guess tho.

after reviewing the code i noticed your using udid…rumor has it that access to udids may be discontinued in the future by apple. are you planning to address this? [import]uid: 58777 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104516[/import]

BrightWaveGames, which Corona build are you using? Also what issue are you having? same as mine?


Mo [import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104517[/import]

Guys, please see below the demo app I’ve promised.

Please try the first link. If it doesn’t work, then try the second.


Hope this helps,
-luis [import]uid: 75921 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104520[/import]


thanks…got it working now [import]uid: 58777 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104525[/import]


Awesome! How do you like it?


Did you get it working? Btw my Corona version is 2012.790. [import]uid: 75921 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104526[/import]


not bad. as far as ads go its not intrusive.

are you guys migrating away from UDID at some point?
[import]uid: 58777 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104527[/import]


Great, thanks! We are implementing alternatives to UDID.
I’ll keep you guys posted on the choosen alternative. [import]uid: 75921 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104528[/import]


im currently on build 771

how is it going for you…did you get it working? [import]uid: 58777 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104529[/import]


Ok here some update. Your sample code run just fine on my device! But when I try to apply it to my app I get this and no window shows up:

May 2 16:31:53 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxxxxxxx.testApp[0x9df2][4717] : BCFAds INFO: using staging server
May 2 16:31:53 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxxxxxx.testApp[0x9df2][4717] : BCFAds REQUEST: https://staging.bcfads.com/api/v4/mobile_apps/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/pop_ups/fetch.json | {“os_version”:“5.0”,“country”:“US”,“device”:{“identities”:{“udid”:“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”}},“manufacturer”:“Apple”,“model”:“iPad2,1”}
May 2 16:31:53 unknown testApp[4717] : Warning: Libinfo call to mDNSResponder on main thread
May 2 16:31:53 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxxxx.testApp[0x9df2][4717] : BACK TO MAIN MENU
May 2 16:31:54 unknown kernel[0] : launchd[4717] Builtin profile: container (sandbox)
May 2 16:31:54 unknown kernel[0] : launchd[4717] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [69] (sandbox)
May 2 16:31:54 unknown UIKitApplication:com.xxxxxxx.testApp[0x9df2][4717] : AudioStreamBasicDescription: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, ‘lpcm’ (0x00000C2C) 8.24-bit little-endian signed integer, deinterleaved
May 2 16:31:54 unknown UIKitApplication:xxxxxxxx.testApp[0x9df2][4717] : BCFAds RESPONSE:

Please note I replaced some info to protect the innocents(!!)

First the divice was crashing with that lua error but I moved the require and the error went away. It seems to be doing something but i do not see any pop up window. Could it be hidden behind my background image? I am using Director by the way.

More progress…

[import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104534[/import]


IT WORKS!!! Thank you so much for your help (Luis too) I can see the results on my dashboard as well so it is cool. Not sure yet what all those numbers means on the dashboard and why the eCPM changes all the time (it was $102 then went down to $86 and then up to $126!)

In any event I am truly contemplating not making my first upcoming app paid (0.99) but use Revmob and see what happen!

I did 21 impression on my game (I have just one when the app start for now) and installed 2 free apps as a test. My “revenue” is already $2.70!!! Is that possible? I know my app is not on the store so that money is fake but I can imagine if the app was on the store and got some traction, the revenue could be substantial!

Luis, could you explain those terms on the dashboard and if my analysis is correct?
My guess is to figure out the best way to show the small popup window at intervals that won’t annoy the player. By the way is popup always need to be at the center of the screen? Sometimes it block the info on the screen.

So far so good…


EDIT: I am not sure about this but i think the line


was blocking the popup window to show (I guess maybe I am wrong) But just in case I removed. What it is exactly the reason for that line?

EDIT2: I also noticed that the popup window do not show at each startup. Is that normal? Is there some kind minimum delay between shows internally?
[import]uid: 100814 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104541[/import]

ok here is what i did it may help you

in my main.lua i call the ad like this

[lua]require “bcfads”
bcfads.showPopup(“4faXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX894” )[/lua]

i edited the bcfads.lua file because i dont plan on using android-and if i do i will create a separate build

[lua]function bcfads.showPopup ( applicationId )
path = “api/v4/mobile_apps/” … applicationId … “/pop_ups/fetch.json”;
content = buildShowPopupPayloadAsJSONString()
sendHTTPPost(path, content)
end[/lua] [import]uid: 58777 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104536[/import]

Hey Corona Devs, excellent INFO is going on here! Nice!

@Mo, @BrightWaveGames , many thanks guys for all the examples showed here as well…

@Luis , Thank for all the attention. Seing a “support” like this you`re offering here is very welcome IMHO.

I gonna setup my RevMob account/ads soon as well as am going to the final phase to be releasing my French free app. :wink:

Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104582[/import]

Hi DEv-Friends :wink:

this sounds nice here… mh… maybe i will gibe it a try too…
But there is not really much info on the website… [import]uid: 9592 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104586[/import]

I’m glad that RevMob is now working for you! Now let me take you through the control pannel. The info below might look basic but I want to make this post friendly for everyone.

Installs: number of times your users downloaded, installed and opened at least one time the advertised app.

IR (Install Rate): Number of installs divided by the number of clicks.

CTR (Click-Through-Rate): Number of clicks divided by the number of impressions.

Revenue: The amount of money that your app generated. You earn money every time a user of yours install one of the advertised games.

eCPM (effective Cost-Per-Thousand impressions): revenue generated by 1,000 impressions. RevMob is operating with ~$25 eCPM. This means that your app will generate $25 for every 1,000 impressions you are able to show.
[import]uid: 75921 topic_id: 25797 reply_id: 104718[/import]