I am currently upgrading an enterprise app to use the Facebook v4 plugin.
Previously we used the old Facebook plugin, and had on top of that rolled our own small extra plugin that made some calls to the Facebook analytics platform, loggin events and levels completed. For this we used the “FBAppEvents” class and functions. It seems that his now has changed name to “FBSDKAppEvents” in the Facebook SDK, trying to use FBAppEvents gives me an “undeclared identifier” error. So naturally, I want to change it to FBSDKAppEvents. (Note: I don’t need to call this api from lua code in Corona, I just mean for accesing it from another file in xcode)
But here’s the problem: it also becomes an “undeclared identifier”
With the old Facebook corona plugin, I just imported <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h> and it gave me access to the classes needed. But this isn’t the case anymore.
I can’t seem to figure out what I need to import to use those classes. Official Facebook documentation specifies <FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKCoreKit.h> - but with the Corona plugin, this directory is not found, and I can’t compile. Also, trying to download and add the specified FBSDKCoreKit-framework files manually from the Facebook SDK give a duplicate symbol error; so they are somewhere in the Corona plugins, I just need to figure out how to import and acces them.
So: how do I get access to the FBSDKAppEvents classes and functions using the Facebook v4 plugin for Corona Enterprise?