Access to App Events Api

Hello everyone,

Does the fb-v4 plugin expose the App Events api from Facebook ?

I was checking the docs but couldn’t find the info about this API (if it is exposed or how to access it).


According to Engineering: At the moment, we only support App activations through the Facebook.publishInstall() API.


Hey Rob,

Thanks for the answer. Do you know if there are plans to include this api any time soon?

Given the current work load, it’s probably not on our radar. Your best bet is to go to and put in a feature request or vote up one that’s already there.  Engineering will need to show some need for it before they can commit time.


According to Engineering: At the moment, we only support App activations through the Facebook.publishInstall() API.


Hey Rob,

Thanks for the answer. Do you know if there are plans to include this api any time soon?

Given the current work load, it’s probably not on our radar. Your best bet is to go to and put in a feature request or vote up one that’s already there.  Engineering will need to show some need for it before they can commit time.
