Ad not showing after gone live in dashboard

My app is not actually in store yet, but I successfully made the ad shows in device with a test apk during “pending” state in my ad dashboard.

However apparently one day it became “Live” in dashboard, all of sudden ads is not showing again.

Is Live" ad must be with real app in store ? ( hinted from a previous post )

The problem is I don’t want to release my app to find out ad works or not. There must be some ways to tell ad is working even with test apk.

After talked to helpdesk the ad was again showing but now it ( too bad ) is off again.

I don’t know what is wrong. The API returns “placement id not found” all of sudden with nothing changed at my end.

A side question is there a “proper” way to call the API ? The example doesn’t tell anything more than init and show a first ad.

How often should an app call show() ? is it necessary to init each time, or must hide the ad even if it is a banner, before showing the next one ? In my app i just simply call show() to get a new ad, was it causing the trouble ?

After talked to helpdesk the ad was again showing but now it ( too bad ) is off again.

I don’t know what is wrong. The API returns “placement id not found” all of sudden with nothing changed at my end.

A side question is there a “proper” way to call the API ? The example doesn’t tell anything more than init and show a first ad.

How often should an app call show() ? is it necessary to init each time, or must hide the ad even if it is a banner, before showing the next one ? In my app i just simply call show() to get a new ad, was it causing the trouble ?