adding a spine character to a display group

I would like to add my spine character to a display group. Would I add the skeleton? or do I need to add more?

And does anyone know the proper way to remove a character? If I add it to a group, can I just remove the group when I am finished with it?



the skeleton has a displayGroup. You can access it through If you want to add it to another displayGroup you can add this group.

If I understand correctly (big if) removing the group that contains the skeleton or the and setting it’s references to nil it should get taken care of by the garbage collector.

the skeleton has a displayGroup. You can access it through If you want to add it to another displayGroup you can add this group.

If I understand correctly (big if) removing the group that contains the skeleton or the and setting it’s references to nil it should get taken care of by the garbage collector.