Admob Bidding and Appodeal.

iOS support is already added,
Will need to do some more work and add some new apis to hide consent sheet

I misunderstood the previous posts about the iOS build.

About disabling the consent manager, can we know an approximate date?

I got to update mine and clients apps and it’s a bit frustrating not knowing if I will have time to do it or not!

It would be probably be over the weekend, like there is a good amount of work and logic required for an api change like this given the way appodeal want to this to be handled

Ok, thank you for the info.

I try to build for iOS and get the following error:

ERROR: Install failed. Got error "ApplicationVerificationFailed" with code 0xe8008029: Failed to verify code signature of /var/installd/Library/Caches/ : 0xe8008029 (The code signature version is no longer supported.)```

Yesterday I could build for iOS but today I can not!

The first error I got was because of MinimumOSVersion.
I had it to 8.3 and I could build without problem yesterday!
No worries I made it 12 and that error is gone.

I got a second error though that I can’t fix.
Could it be because i use iOS SDK 16.2 (I havent updated to xcode 15)??

Here is the second error:

cd “/var/folders/nb/q2vfxk_11dd30v5zdh4_l0cc0000gn/T/CLtmpMRoJzu/arm64”;unset LIBRARY_PATH; export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=12; export PATH="/Applications/";"/Applications/" -fexceptions -stdlib=libstdc++ -arch arm64 -isysroot “/Applications/” -ObjC -all_load -fobjc-link-runtime -miphoneos-version-min=12 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker /usr/lib/swift -Xlinker -rpath -Xlinker @executable_path/Frameworks -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -L"/usr/lib/swift" -L"/Applications/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/Users/helloworld/Desktop/" -F"/usr/lib/swift" -F"/Applications/" -framework AudioToolbox -framework AVFoundation -framework CFNetwork -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreLocation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreMotion -framework CoreVideo -framework CoreText -framework GameKit -framework GLKit -framework ImageIO -framework MapKit -framework MediaPlayer -framework MessageUI -framework MobileCoreServices -framework OpenAL -framework QuartzCore -framework Security -framework StoreKit -framework SystemConfiguration -framework UIKit -framework WebKit -framework AdSupport -framework CoreTelephony -framework pollfish -framework GoogleAppMeasurement -framework GoogleMobileAds -framework FBLPromises -framework GoogleUtilities -framework nanopb -framework JavaScriptCore -framework CoreBluetooth -framework Appodeal -framework AppodealMediationCore -framework Protobuf -framework OMSDK_Appodeal -framework StackAnalytics -framework StackConsentManager -framework StackCrashReporter -framework StackFoundation -framework StackIABAssets -framework StackModules -framework StackMRAIDKit -framework StackNASTKit -framework StackOpenMeasure -framework StackProductPresentation -framework StackProtobuf -framework StackRichMedia -framework StackUIKit -framework StackVASTAssets -framework StackVideoPlayer -framework StackXML -framework SwiftProtobuf -weak_framework GameController -weak_framework AssetsLibrary -weak_framework Photos -weak_framework Foundation -weak_framework Twitter -weak_framework SafariServices -weak_framework AppTrackingTransparency -lobjc -lsqlite3 -ltemplate -lplugin_pollfish -lAPDGoogleAdMobAdapter -lplugin_appodeal_base -lxml2 -lz -lplugin.utf8 -lplugin.openssl -lplugin_att -o “/var/folders/nb/q2vfxk_11dd30v5zdh4_l0cc0000gn/T/CLtmpMRoJzu/arm64/Bingo”
ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked library ‘swiftCompatibility56’
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
“_swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftCompatibility56”, referenced from:
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(AdUnitOperationsBuilder.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(MediationController.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(AdUnit.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(AdUnitOperation.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_StackModules in StackModules(Dummy.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_APDGoogleAdMobAdapter in libAPDGoogleAdMobAdapter.a(A4GAdNetwork.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_APDGoogleAdMobAdapter in libAPDGoogleAdMobAdapter.a(GoogleMobileAdsNativeAdAdapter.o)

(maybe you meant: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_StackModules, _swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_APDGoogleAdMobAdapter , _swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Oct 26 12:22:25.020 ERROR: Builder failed: ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked library ‘swiftCompatibility56’
Oct 26 12:22:25.021 Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
“_swift_FORCE_LOAD$_swiftCompatibility56”, referenced from:
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(AdUnitOperationsBuilder.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(MediationController.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(AdUnit.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore in AppodealMediationCore(AdUnitOperation.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_StackModules in StackModules(Dummy.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_APDGoogleAdMobAdapter in libAPDGoogleAdMobAdapter.a(A4GAdNetwork.o)
_swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_APDGoogleAdMobAdapter in libAPDGoogleAdMobAdapter.a(GoogleMobileAdsNativeAdAdapter.o)

(maybe you meant: _swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_StackModules, _swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_APDGoogleAdMobAdapter , _swift_FORCE_LOAD$swiftCompatibility56$_AppodealMediationCore )
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Oct 26 12:22:25.032 BUILD ERROR: There was a problem linking the app.

                Check the console for more information.

Oct 26 12:22:25.032
Oct 26 12:22:25.158 iOS build failed (2) after 10 seconds
Oct 26 12:22:25.601 ERROR: Build Failed: There was a problem linking the app.

                Check the console for more information.

Here is my build.settings too:

settings =

orientation =
    default = "portrait",
    supported =
splashScreen = 
    enable = false
iphone =
   xcassets = "Images.xcassets",
   plist =
    	CFBundleDisplayName = "Bingo",	
    	UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen",
    	UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities = {"location-services", "arm64" },
        GADApplicationIdentifier = "ca-app-pub-xxx~xxx",
		NSAppTransportSecurity = { NSAllowsArbitraryLoads=true },
    	NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription = "This app would like to access bluetooth.",
    	NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription = "The app needs your location for analytics and advertising purposes",
        NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription = "The app needs your location for analytics and advertising purposes",
        NSCalendarsUsageDescription = "The app needs your calendar to provide personalised advertising experience tailored to you",
        NSUserTrackingUsageDescription = "This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.",
        SKAdNetworkItems = {
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "4pfyvq9l8r.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "yclnxrl5pm.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "v72qych5uu.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "tl55sbb4fm.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "t38b2kh725.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "prcb7njmu6.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "ppxm28t8ap.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "mlmmfzh3r3.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "klf5c3l5u5.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "hs6bdukanm.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "c6k4g5qg8m.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "9t245vhmpl.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "9rd848q2bz.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "8s468mfl3y.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "7ug5zh24hu.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "4fzdc2evr5.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "4468km3ulz.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "3rd42ekr43.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "2u9pt9hc89.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "m8dbw4sv7c.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "7rz58n8ntl.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "ejvt5qm6ak.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "5lm9lj6jb7.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "44jx6755aq.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "mtkv5xtk9e.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "ludvb6z3bs.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "wg4vff78zm.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "737z793b9f.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "ydx93a7ass.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "w9q455wk68.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "glqzh8vgby.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "av6w8kgt66.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "cj5566h2ga.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "f38h382jlk.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "s39g8k73mm.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "v9wttpbfk9.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "n38lu8286q.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "su67r6k2v3.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "n9x2a789qt.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "kbd757ywx3.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "uw77j35x4d.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "3sh42y64q3.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "5l3tpt7t6e.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "mls7yz5dvl.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "5a6flpkh64.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "578prtvx9j.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "f73kdq92p3.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "8m87ys6875.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "488r3q3dtq.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "zmvfpc5aq8.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "97r2b46745.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "6xzpu9s2p8.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "cg4yq2srnc.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "ecpz2srf59.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "238da6jt44.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "22mmun2rn5.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "lr83yxwka7.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "24t9a8vw3c.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "v79kvwwj4g.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "424m5254lk.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "44n7hlldy6.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "4dzt52r2t5.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "wzmmz9fp6w.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "bvpn9ufa9b.skadnetwork" },
            { SKAdNetworkIdentifier = "gta9lk7p23.skadnetwork" },
        --UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false,
        UIPrerenderedIcon = true,
        UIStatusBarHidden = true,
        --MinimumOSVersion = "8.3",
        MinimumOSVersion = "12",

plugins =
    ['plugin.appodeal.beta.base'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
    ['plugin.appodeal.beta.GoogleAdMob'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
    --['plugin.appodeal.beta.StartApp'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
    --['plugin.appodeal.beta.Chartboost'] = { publisherId = 'com.coronalabs' },
    ["plugin.pollfish"] =
        publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
        supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true }
    ["plugin.utf8"] =
        publisherId = "com.coronalabs"
    ["plugin.openssl"] =
		publisherId = "com.coronalabs"
    ['plugin.att'] = 
    	publisherId = 'com.solar2d' 


Indeed, the installation to device fails with this error.
If I comment out all beta plugins, the installation is successful. If I add only “plugin.appodeal.beta.base” then the error happens again.

MacOS 13.6.1
IPhone 7 (iOS 15.7.7)
XCode 14.3.1
Solar2D 2023.3696

Odd, will take a look

Still the same error appears.

Could it be because of the older version of xcode (14) I have installed on my mac?
Moving to 15 could probably fix it?

Appodeal requires xcode 14.1 and higher so it’s not that.
Also we should be able to build for lower ios version than 12.
Just appodeal wouldnt show any ads.

my case.
Build 3692
macOS Ventura13.4
I received the email below after Transporter.

ITMS-90482: Invalid Executable - The executable ‘’ contains bitcode.

Best regards,
The App Store Team

Build 3699
macOS Sonoma14.1 (Xcode 15.0.1)
=> same issue

I still have the same issues.

May I have an answer on when it’s going to be fixed?

I can’t update my apps and it gets really frustrating now!!

Odd, I’m not getting this error? Can you try clearing your plugin cache? Go to home folder and delete Solar2Dplugins folder. I am using Xcode 15

Ok I will try that and let you know!

I would also try getting Xcode 15 if you can. Will see if I can revert back and test with Xcode 14 but Apple makes it difficult to revert Xcode versions especially since I updated macOS 14 already

I will go xcode 15 too, no worries.

I just want all this to end.

I need to start building for iOS and be able to remove appodeal consent manager in order to make the updates before 31 October!

If anyone else is having the same issue, deleting the plugins folder from home will not help.

I’m updating to newest os / xcode and let’s hope that helps.

For me, the error is gone, but the app crashes (closes) now directly on opening with no error message. If I go back to the non beta version, everything works fine.
I also deleted the plugins folder.

I’m using Xcode 15.0.1

It looks like there is something wrong and need more work.

The reason of all this frustration is to update to beta so we will not get lower income on October 31!
Not stay with previous version of appodeal.

What Solar2d version are you using?

Also sorry for all the issues people are experiencing with the beta. I understand the concern people are having with Admob and the deadline and how’s it’s not ideal, we were hoping there would be a non beta version of Appodeal 3.2 released by now.

For people having issues with Appodeal on iOS, if you could please confirm Xcode version, Solar2D version, build.settings, and any applicable logs