Admob failures

Does anyone know what this is about? Started happening a few days ago

ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Sep 10 01:24:56.498 ERROR: Builder failed: ld: warning: ignoring file <>/.build/plugin.admob/GoogleMobileAds.framework/GoogleMobileAds, file is universal (x86_64,arm64) but does not contain the i386 architecture: <>/.build/plugin.admob/GoogleMobileAds.framework/GoogleMobileAds

The above error is then followed by a lot of the below

ld: warning: object file (/Users/spara0305/Desktop/ was built for newer iOS Simulator version (9.0) than being linked (8.0)

I am using Xcode 13.4.1 on an Interl macbook with Solar2d 2022.3677 build. My build.settings look like below. If I comment out admob then the build goes through fine.

iphone =
xcassets = “Images.xcassets”,
plist =
UIStatusBarHidden = true,
GADApplicationIdentifier = “[The real deal]”,
SKAdNetworkItems = {
SKAdNetworkIdentifier = “cstr6suwn9.skadnetwork”,
plugins =
[“plugin.admob”] = {
publisherId = “com.coronalabs”,
[“plugin.googleAnalytics.v2”] = {
publisherId = “com.solar2d”

I assume you are trying to build iOS Sim?

Yes. Trying to build on iOS sim. However the error also happens when I try to build for a device.

What are error are you getting when you build for device? I am getting a similar “warning” but I am not getting an error.

Edit: will take a look at iOS Sim in a bit, looking at you logs it look like you are using an intel Mac (architecture i386). The only 2 computers I have are an M1 Mac mini and MacBook Pro (architecture arm64) so will be hard me to fully test and verify.

The error I am getting while building for device and simulator is the same as below. I tried this on an M1 mac mini with Rosetta and still keep getting the error.

Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
“_GADCurrentOrientationAnchoredAdaptiveBannerAdSizeWithWidth”, referenced from:
AdMobPlugin::load(lua_State*) in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
“_GADMaxAdContentRatingGeneral”, referenced from:
AdMobPlugin::load(lua_State*) in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
“_GADMaxAdContentRatingMatureAudience”, referenced from:
AdMobPlugin::load(lua_State*) in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
“_GADMaxAdContentRatingParentalGuidance”, referenced from:
AdMobPlugin::load(lua_State*) in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
“_GADMaxAdContentRatingTeen”, referenced from:
AdMobPlugin::load(lua_State*) in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_ASIdentifierManager”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADBannerView”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADExtras”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADInterstitialAd”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADMobileAds”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADRequest”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADRewardedAd”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
OBJC_CLASS$_GADRewardedInterstitialAd”, referenced from:
objc-class-ref in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
“_kGADSimulatorID”, referenced from:
AdMobPlugin::load(lua_State*) in libplugin_admob.a(AdMobPlugin.o)
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Sep 13 21:43:26.955 BUILD ERROR: There was a problem linking the app.
Check the console for more information.
Sep 13 21:43:26.956
Sep 13 21:43:27.054 iOS build failed (2) after 12 seconds
Sep 13 21:43:27.469 ERROR: Build Failed: There was a problem linking the app.
Check the console for more information.
Sep 13 21:43:27.469

Odd I tired with Rosetta Mac mini and did not get such an error when building for device,

That is weird. Is there a clean installation of Solar2d that I need to try? I am on Monterey 12.5.1. Which version of MacOS are you on?

Hey Scott, What version of MacOS are you using? Thanks.

Sorry, MacOS 12.6