My Admob works earlier this year. The new plugin requires admob-id in plist (build.settings). Now, I notice that the Admob on iOS 13.6.1 (tested on iPhone & iPad), crashed when the y-value is a number. It works if it is a string (e.g. top, bottom)
Test function :
local function testAdmobYPosition()
local admob = require( "plugin.admob" )
-- AdMob listener function
local function adListener( event )
print( event.phase )
if ( event.phase == "init" ) then -- Successful initialization
admob.load( "banner", {adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-4762604025003370/xxx"} )
elseif (event.phase == "loaded") then
-- This will FAIL / CRASH
admob.show( "banner", { y = 50 } )
-- These below will PASS
-- admob.show( "banner", { y = "top" } )
-- admob.show( "banner" )
-- Initialize the AdMob plugin
admob.init( adListener, { appId="ca-app-pub-4762604025003370~xxx" , testMode = true } )