Admob Plugin crash reported by Google Developer Console

Seeing this crash reported several times by Android’s Google Play Console:

java.lang.NullPointerException at plugin.admob.LuaLoader$Load$ (

Also seeing this one reported:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException at$AdmobBannerListener.onAdLoaded (

Anybody know what could cause a crash in the admob plugin like this?

(Screenshots attached)

I’ve also reached out to admob to ask why ads have recently stopped serving in our apps, so possibly this is related and is an issue from AdMob’s side of things, but I wanted to post it here to ask. In my testing, I am not getting a crash, just not getting ads to load, which is why I’ve reached out to AdMob and they said they are looking into it.


I tested the plugin here now and I get ads served for all ad types without any issues.

It may be that the issues you are having with ads not being served triggers these crashes, but I’m not entirely sure about that.

Some more info:

Crash 1:

This happens from within the plugin, however it’s a rather obscure crash. There’s no obvious reason why that happens in that particular part of the plugin. I’m investigating to see if there’s anything that can be done.

Crash 2:

This happens from within AdMob.

Thank you for checking on that for us. AdMob team has said they are looking into it but I haven’t heard anything back yet. I provided them with specific app IDs which have been serving ads successfully for months but no longer do over the past week or so. I imagine I’ll hear something back this week…

I was receiving similar crash reports recently from admob but I discovered it would only happen when trying to load an ad before receiving the initialization success event. Quick fix and it stopped. It took me time to notice because it’s rare. I couldn’t simulate in my device once. In my case the crash was coming from inside the admob.load function

I tested the plugin here now and I get ads served for all ad types without any issues.

It may be that the issues you are having with ads not being served triggers these crashes, but I’m not entirely sure about that.

Some more info:

Crash 1:

This happens from within the plugin, however it’s a rather obscure crash. There’s no obvious reason why that happens in that particular part of the plugin. I’m investigating to see if there’s anything that can be done.

Crash 2:

This happens from within AdMob.

Thank you for checking on that for us. AdMob team has said they are looking into it but I haven’t heard anything back yet. I provided them with specific app IDs which have been serving ads successfully for months but no longer do over the past week or so. I imagine I’ll hear something back this week…

I was receiving similar crash reports recently from admob but I discovered it would only happen when trying to load an ad before receiving the initialization success event. Quick fix and it stopped. It took me time to notice because it’s rare. I couldn’t simulate in my device once. In my case the crash was coming from inside the admob.load function