Amazon Ads Plugin Launched!

Hey guys, sorry about not replying earlier I was out of the city.

I just saw the promotion and it looks great so I’ll try to get the interstitials out ASAP.

Thanks for your patience.


Are you any closer to having the interstitials will working yet? We’ve just submitted to Apple and want to submit our Amazon build as well, but it doesn’t make sense for us to do this until we can take advantage of their $6 CPM promo.


Also, does this plugin work for iOS apps? It looks like Amazon just added support for iOS apps if I’m not mistaken. Will this plugging support that?


Hello everyone!

The current plugin has been updated to support interstitial ads, and will be out soon (just needs to be uploaded to the servers, etc.)

I am also beginning to work on an iOS version that was announced my Amazon today.

That’s great to hear. Has the documentation and sample code at been update as well, just so we know how it should work?  

Also great to hear about the iOS support, do you have any kind of timeframe that you expect to have it done by?




Can you also confirm whether the plugin is ready to support the fact that Google is deprecating the use of Android ID as a unique identifier and moving to an Advertising Identifier? Other plugins have had a few issues recently, so I just want to be sure that if I include this plugin in a Google Play app that it won’t suddenly stop working in a few weeks time.

I would like to buy the Amazon plugin.

Is it ready to display interstitial?

I don’t see any doc in the website.


Sorry to bug you with so many questions, but you mentioned on Friday that the Amazon interstitials are working now and being pushed to the Corona servers. Do you know if this has gone through yet, and if so is there any updated documentation to go with it as I can’t see any changes to the docs here:

Are Enterprise users able to get the plugin’s jar files?

Also, the listener in the docs only seems to be triggered when initialising the plugin. Is there any way to detect whether an add has been viewed/clicked so that the ads can be incentivised?

Yes, after purchase, if you are an enterprise user, just email us to ask for the jar files and we will send them on to you.


Cool thanks for the quick reply.

I just looked in the sample code, and saw that the listener is as follows:

if == "licence" then print("event.type: "..event.type, "event.status: "..event.status) elseif == "collapsed" then print("Ad collapsed") elseif == "failed" then print("Ad failed to load. isError:"..tostring(event.isError), event.response) elseif == "loaded" then print("Ad loaded", event.response) elseif == "expanded" then print("Ad expanded") end

The “licence”, “loaded” and “failed” events seem self explanatory.  

Can you explain exactly what triggers the “expanded” and “collapsed” events. We need to know whether our user’s have interacted with the ad or not, so if those events are equivalent to “clicked” and “closed” that could be useful.

I have contacted the plugin author (Deleur Apps) to get an answer for you. He will either respond to this thread himself, or relay the information to me. In either case, i’ll make sure I get an answer for you asap.


Edit: one more thing, can you ask if the plugin supports video ads as well. Amazon’s own site seems to suggest you can get video ads, but I couldn’t see anything about that in the plugin docs.

Hey there!

So the callbacks are as follows:

“expanded”: After a user clicks on a rich media ad and after the rich media ad expands, this callback is called. This callback can be used to do things like pause your app or suspend audio when an ad has expanded.

“collapsed”: After a user clicks on the close ad button on an expanded rich media ad, this callback is called immediately after collapsing the ad. This callback can be used to do things like resume your app or restart audio.

As for the video ads there are two options. First are the “Rich Media Expandable Banners”. They are basically banners that can be clicked and they show a video or some other interactive content. To display those, you have to configure them within the Amazon website, and you display them just like any other banner ad.

There are also interstitial ads that Amazon has recently added to their API. Those will come in an update very soon.

Any news about the plugin with interstitial.

I would like to know about interstitials too before the sale goes off, are they coming?

What is the appKey? Where can I find mine? I can’t find any explanation inside the documentation, so it is really necessary?

amazonAds.init({appKey = “sample-app-v1_pub-2”, testMode = true, licenseKey = “licenceKey”}, Callback)

BTW: Interstitial ads still not working.  :unsure:

HINT: It would be great to have an ads.height() function working with Amazon banner ads.

We cannot show interstitial ads currently???  That is disappointing. 
We bought the plugin mainly for the interstitials :frowning:

The interstitial update just went up on the servers!

you may check out the updated documentation here: