Amazon Ads Plugin Launched!

@florca please check out the amazon quick start guide on how to implement their advertisement here:

the appKey is the applicationKey that you get from the amazon dashboard which tells the amazon servers who is displaying the ads


Great! Can you also make sure that the static libraries/jar files for this plugin is also available on Gremlin Interactive’s website for us Enterprise users?

At the moment I only get a 404 Not found error when trying to download the Amazon plugin from the website.

Am I doing something wrong? It seems like the listener function is NEVER called, neither when initialising the plugin nor when calling show()

I should add that we absolutely NEED to know whether an advert has been successfully loaded or not, so that we can fallback to another provider when Amazon don’t have an advert available for us. I suspect that the majority of devs who have planned out their monetization use more than one ad provider for this very reason. 

This is why the callback is an essential part of the library. 

I’ve just gone into the sample code, and I can see that the listener is now the second argument to amazonads.init(), after the table of parameters, e.g:

amazonAds.init({licenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX", testMode = true}, amazonAdListener)

whereas in the documentation it’s still listed as one of the parameters that go into the table itself:

amazonAds.init({licenseKey = "XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX", testMode = true, listener=amazonAdListener})

I’m just about to test it out now, and I’ll let people know if it works or not. If it does, then you need to update the documentation again.

OK I’ve tested it out and it does work when the callback is given as a separate argument, so the docs should really be updated.


With regards to the appkey:

a) I don’t see it mentioned anywhere in your documentation, though I may have overlooked it somewhere.

b ) What do we do for google play applications, since they can show amazon ads too?

The same will apply to iOS once that is ready, speaking of which do you have any idea when that will be ready? Now that the interstitials are working, it would be great to get the iOS ones in ASAP so that we can maximise the Amazon promo.

I am currently working on the update and it should come within a week

Ah ok! Good to know! 

Interstitials are working great!  :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for spotting the documentation error, I’m fixing it now.

In regards to the appKey, I’m fixing that in the documentation as well. 

In order to get your app key, you just have to register your application here:

Then, that app key can be used for any store, not just amazon. It is just a way for amazon ads to identify your application.

@ingemar sorry, I’m not exactly sure what’s happening, I contacted Gremlin Interactive, as they are responsible for managing the store.

Ok so if I have released “My Great Game” on Amazon already, and have an application key from that, I can use the same application key for “My Great Game” on Google Play?

yep, you initialize amazon ads in “My Great Game” with the same application key for all stores/platforms

I’ve noticed that I only seem to get generic “download the amazon app” adverts, even thought I’ve initialised the plugin and set testMode = false.

Do I need to do something else on the Amazon console to activate “real” adverts?

not exactly sure, maybe check out the amazon developer website to see if theres an option there?

I can’t see anything at all on there, tbh I find the Amazon docs leave a lot to be desired.  

There doesn’t seem to be any settings to toggle test mode on/off either.

@corona1634 I just took a look at the amazon website and it turns out you actually do have to register separate appKeys for different platforms. It’s available on this page:

But I believe, it’s the same for Amazon store and Google play

Ok that’s fine, I’ve set up a separate key for iOS (for when the plugin is ready for that). Do you have an ETA for when that will be?

a couple of days. Hopefully before august starts.