I don’t think I changed anything, but test ads(interstitial and banner) work now.
I don’t think I changed anything, but test ads(interstitial and banner) work now.
Maybe it just takes a while for Amazon’s servers to register a new app for testing?
I’ll be doing my own test over the weekend, let’s see what happens…
I am having troubles with Amazon interstitials too.
These are my results:
When testMode == true,
100% banner ads, 100% interstitial ads
When testMode == false,
banner ads almost 100%
Interstitials never get displayed :o They get a Fill Rate of 0.00%.
At first I thought that was that way because my game wasn’t released on the Amazon AppStore, but now it is realeased and interstitials ads are still not showing up. I think there has to be something wrong with the plugin right now.
You can check my game right now on the Amazon AppStore and see it for yourselves.
The game shows an Amazon interstitial ad when you die the 5th time, BUT you maybe should open the game twice to see Amazon ads displayed on screen. The first time you open the game, Amazon banner ads doesn’t show up, but I think that is because of my code. The next time you open the game Amazon banner ads shows up really quick.
What is going on??? :rolleyes:
We’re seeing extremely low fill rates too. When I go into the amazon developer console, I can see how many requests I’ve made and how many impressions they’ve sent me in return.
Game1: 34% fill
Game2: 2% fill
Game3: 0% fill
Even our highest fill is still pretty bad. It looks to me like Amazon are failing to provide the ads for us, rather than the plugin not working.
@florca are you in the US? We’re in the UK and have been wondering whether it’s only the US that gets a good fill rate?
It could also be that lots of developers have added Amazon Ads to their apps to make the most of the promotion, and Amazon simply don’t have the inventory to respond.
@corona1634 I am from Spain so no idea. It’s weird that it is working 100% with testMode = true but with real world ads is not working properly. :huh:
I’m not sure, but I’d assume that the majority of Amazon’s Ad inventory is served to USA based users.
If you have a proxy/VPN service on your mobile device you could test that theory by setting it to a US IP address.
@ingemar are you based on the USA? Can you please download the game and try the interstitial ads please? It is a free game, and I don’t know how to set a VPN on my phone. :wacko:
Sorry, I’m based in Korea and sometimes have the same issues.
I use Netshade http://www.raynersoftware.com for my proxy/VPN needs, however it’s only available for Apple devices.
There are others that are available for Android, but I have no experience with them. You can try a Google search.
This plugin lacks a *very* important feature for interstitials!
We must be able to preload interstitial ads before showing them.
I’ve checked and load() is available in the Amazon Mobile Ads API, it just needs to be implemented in your plugin.
Any chance of getting a quick fix, please?
@ingemar, sure I can include that function. Currently the way it works is the load function is included in the AmazonAds.show() function. Then the next ad also gets loaded after the interstitial is dismissed. I’ll add a AmazonAds.load() function so you have the liberty to load it yourself.
Can I use the Amazon plugin with android and ios 8?
How long Can I use the plugin ?
Do I have to put the license key for amazon plugin?
The Amazon Ads Plugin v1.2 has been released!
The changes include:
-iOS support
-New and improved sample app
-amazonAds.load() function to load interstitial ads
-New callbacks
-Turn on/off logging
-Other fixes
Note: this update should be available within 1.5 hours of this post
Great news!
I’ll add it to my game asap and let you know if there are any problems.
Can anyone share the Amazon Ads plugin? Thanks!
It’s not a shared plugin. It is owned and developed by Deleurapps.
You’ll need to contact them about the status of their plugins.
Is the amazon ads plugin works with the basic corona version?
Sorry, I don’t know about that.
I’ve developed my own Amazon Ads plugin than I’m using.
When I try to build for iOS with the amazon ads plugin I get this error:
Runtime error /Users/me/Builds/MyGame.app/.build/libtemplate/Builder.lua:310: \<error\>{"status":256,"message":"ld: library not found for -llibgremlin\_Licensing\nclang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"}\</error\> stack traceback: [C]: ? [C]: in function 'assert' /Users/me/Builds/MyGame.app/.build/libtemplate/Builder.lua:310: in function 'checkError' /Users/me/Builds/MyGame.app/.build/libtemplate/Builder.lua:333: in function 'build' ?: in function 'buildExe' ?: in function \<?:624\>
It seems to be saying that it can’t find the library that checks you have a legit license from Gremlin.
There seems to have been a small mistake in the plugins metadata file. I have pushed up the required change. (if that was the only issue).
The change should be live within ~1.5 hours. Can you build again then and let us know how you get on?