Amazon Ads Plugin Launched!

I’m finished for today I think, but I’ll check it first thing for you.

Still getting an error, which is slightly different:

/Users/me/Builds/ \<error\>{"status":256,"message":"ld: library not found for -lAmazonAd\nclang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"}\</error\> stack traceback: [C]: ? [C]: in function 'assert' /Users/me/Builds/ in function 'checkError' /Users/me/Builds/ in function 'build' ?: in function 'buildExe' ?: in function \<?:624\>

Is this for an iOS device build or Xcode simulator build?

Sorry for the build error, this seems to be just a problem with the format of the plugin files I uploaded. We are working hard to correct that ASAP

I have pushed up the change. All should be good within ~1.5 hours or so.


Did you take the plugin down from your store? Say it ain’t so :frowning:
I’m loving the chartboost plugin and was looking forward to adding amazon ads as well.

Hey Jorge, just maintenance, don’t worry.

The maintenance work on the amazon ad’s plugin has completed, the plugin is available for sale from our store again.

Thanks for your patience. 

@deleurapps, is there any more news on the Amazon Ads plugin? There are no docs or anything that I can see any more, so even people who have the plugin don’t really have many resources to help them out. 

Also (and I may have asked this before), does anyone who uses the AA plugin ever get any ads other than the ads for Amazon itself (e.g. an ad for another game)? We’ve only ever seen ads that actually look like they could be test ads but that could be because we are in the UK, perhaps in the US you see better ads.


I developed my own Amazon Ads plugin, however I only made it for Android. 

I’m in Korea, and I haven’t seen any ads for other games, but that might be for the same reason as you suspect. Amazon is heavily US centric, and it could be that US users see other ads.

You could get a Proxy or VPN service (with US servers) to make your device look like it’s in the US. I only have such a service for my Mac and iOS devices, but not for Android. It’s quite useful for testing.

Well we’ve had payments from Amazon Ads, so I guess they are working somewhere. 

I’ve just had an email from Amazon:

Dear Developer

Be sure to integrate the latest version of the Amazon Mobile Ads API in your iOS app. The Amazon Mobile Ads API version 2.1.2 is compatible with iOS 8.0 and includes bug fixes for the in-app browser rendering on iOS 8.0 devices. If you are using Amazon Mobile Ads API for iOS version 2.1.1, please upgrade to 2.1.2 to pick up the armv7s architecture slice used by iPhone5/5C.

Click here for the latest Amazon Mobile Ads API.

Your Amazon Mobile Ads Team

Can @deleurapps comment on whether we will get an update on this soon?

@Ingemar : Does your plugin work on Pro or only Enterprise? Would you share/sell it? Revmob and Admob amazon ads seem to produce incredibly low eCPM to me, and i heard lots of good from amazon ads.

Only Enterprise now ( and I haven’t gotten around to the iOS version yet )
I am planning to make it available for sale when (if) the Corona marketplace becomes available. When that happens I’ll also whip up the iOS version as well…

That sounds great.

I am not really in need for iOS, neither for most part of Android. Really only the amazon devices, esp kindle, those i really can’t monetize right now, and even if it is a small market, it’s annoying to miss on it.
Thanks for the quick reply!

Is the plugin working on iOS for other people? Whenever I try to build project that includes it, I still get a build error (albeit a different one to before):

/Users/me/Builds/ \<error\>{"status":256,"message":"Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:\n \"\_OBJC\_CLASS\_$\_CTTelephonyNetworkInfo\", referenced from:\n objc-class-ref in libAmazonAd.a(AMAdConfiguration.o)\nld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7\nclang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"}\</error\> stack traceback: [C]: ? [C]: in function 'assert' /Users/me/Builds/ in function 'checkError' /Users/me/Builds/ in function 'build' ?: in function 'buildExe' ?: in function \<?:624\>

The many other plugins in my app are fine, just the AmazonAds one that causes problems.

My build.settings file includes this:

plugins = { ["plugin.amazonAds"] = { publisherId = "com.deleurapps"}, }

and my main.lua has this:

-- Initialize the Amazon Ads library amazonAds = require "plugin.amazonAds" amazonAds.init({ appKey = "myKeyString", licenseKey = "ABCDE-FGHIJK-LMNOP-QRSTU"}, amazonAdListener)

Have I missed something by mistake? Does it work on iOS for anyone else? I know that Gremlin are no longer supporting their plugins, but this one was made by deleurapps so if they could let me know what the situation is that would be helpful.

The error you’re getting looks like a misconfiguration of the required frameworks for the plugin. The CoreTelephony.framework seems to be missing from your project.

Side note

One problem with the situation is that Deleurapps were using Gremlin’s services for sales and license servers, and I have no idea how that will affect the Amazon Ads plugin in production. Gremlin have removed the license requirements for their own plugins and I’m not sure if the same goes for the Amazon Ads plugin. I’d assume since Gremlin has stepped out of the Corona Plugin business that the license validation they were performing has ceased for all of the plugins, including AmazonAds.

Only Deleurapps will be able to answer this though.

Luckily I’ve developed my own Amazon Ads plugin. However I’ve only made the Android version so far as I use other networks for iOS.

I would like to know the status of the Amazon ad plugin as well now that Gremlin Interactive is out of the plugin business.


Right now I am trying to contact the Corona team to make my own deal similar to what Gremlin Interactive had. I want to continue selling the plugin, and gremlin backing out is a little bump in the road. If I do set up my own store, everyone who bought the amazon ads plugin will still have access to it. Right now I believe that gremlin said that amazon ads plugin should continue to work for those who already purchased it.



We don’t seem to be getting much of a response from deleurapps about the plugin. Are you still active deleurapps?  

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is an update the the AmazonAds API which would be useful to have in the plugin. Also, the plugin seems to be missing what I would consider a fairly critical function in an ad plugin, which is some kind of “hasAdAvailable” call. At the moment I have to call blindly, and wait for a response. I would much rather know that an ad is available, that way if it is not I can switch to one of my other providers.


I guess he’s busy with school. If I recall correctly the guy is 16 (17?) years old and Deleurapps is a father/son endeavor where the father is the designer and the son is the developer.

Unfortunately he tends to be unresponsive for long periods of time. That’s why I decided to develop my own AmazonAds plugin.