I try to run the spine example of corona sdk but I see this log in the corona simulator
Windows simulator build date:
Copyright © 2009-2012 C o r o n a L a b s I n c .
Version: 2.0.0
Build: 2012.971
Runtime error
module ‘spine-lua.utils’ not found:resource (spine-lua.utils.lu) does no
t exist in archive
no field package.preload[‘spine-lua.utils’]
no file 'd:\archivosprogramad\spine trial\explesss\spine-runtimes-master
\spine-corona\spine-lua\utils.lRuntime error: module ‘spine-lua.utils’ not found
:resource (spine-lua.utils.lu) does not exist in archive
no field package.preload[‘spine-lua.utils’]
no file 'd:\archivosprogramad\spine trial\explesss\spine-runtimes-master
no file 'D