Android adaptive icons

Hey guys I just updated a couple of apps with the latest daily build and noticed the icons have changed to a very small icon within a white circle on my device ‘pixel2’ Have been noticing a
few apps icons are showing this. Did a bit of googling and found it has to do with the way Google is changing the icon designs. Here is a similar post in unity.
there is an image in there to illustrate the icon with white circle.

Is this something corona can fix or get an update to allow us to use adaptive icons?


I’ve shared this with our engineers. 


Hey! Just to not leave you hanging: we are working on adapting new icon requirements from Google. Stay tuned for updates.

Just for comment. I think I solve this issue looking in my Galaxy Tab A settings an option to show the icons with o without the white border. I don’t know if pixel 2 have the option.

Great to hear. Thanks!

@dodi_games I don’t think that’s the issue, most people might not go to their settings to do so, and our apps icons won’t stand out like the ones that have adaptive icons do. So might have less people tapping the icon to play our games. Which might in turn affect rankings.

Awesome thanks Vlad’s and Rob.
I was reading a bit on them, actually looks pretty cool the fact you can have 2 layers on the icon with parallax effect

Corona, is one of the most useful and easy to use apps for both mobile as well desktop systems. A developer can create various applications over Corona specially gaming apps based on Android as well as iOS. Android app developers specially emphasis on Corona in order to learn and get command over android app development.

Hey guys any news on this one?

We are still working on it. 


Still hoping for this to come soon? any updates? cheers.

Hey guys I know in being a pain in the butt on this one, but any updates when this might happen? The new pixels will come out soon and it would look nice to have adaptive icons as opposed to the white circles with tiny icons inside

Just a +1 in support of this!

We’ve received some comments from Android 8 users and want our apps to look as good as possible on Google’s flagship phones.

+1 We are looking forward to having this to make our game look great as well. 

Today I realized that Corona SDK need adaptive icons on Android… Mi icons looks so bad in Note 9

+1 DoDi

Its only been 3 months wait… it take Engineering at least 6 months to realise we actually need something lol

An engineer is working on it.


Any updates on this?

If there is no way to implement the adaptive Icons, is it possible to force the old icon, without the white circle?

No updates as of yet.

Any updates on this guys?  Unity already supports this.  Our app icons are looking pretty lame against our Unity competitors…

it’s only been 4 months… just be patient, sure it will happen next year sometime.

Clearly the engineer is waiting for a stack overflow post so he can copy it! :wink: